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What is a Strengths-Based Workplace Culture?

Webinar Details
31 minutes
About the Webinar

For many businesses, development is an integral part of any organisation. With a focus on strengths-based development, this can result in higher levels of engagement, lower turnover, and creating high-performing teams.

Over 30 million people have taken the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment, allowing them to understand what they naturally do best. CliftonStrengths applies to all individuals and cultivates a positive and engaging culture focused on strengths-based development. Gallup has created these 5 steps to create a strengths-based culture.

Led by experts, this webinar will introduce you to CliftonStrengths while providing an overview of the benefits of having a strengths-based culture. Topics will include:

  • how to create a strengths-based culture
  • the benefits of adopting a strengths-based culture
  • how to take action 

The Speakers
Shannon Duckworth
Workplace Advisor
Myles Reid
Workplace Advisor

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