Become a coach with this all-in-one strengths course.
Learn how to find human potential, then switch it on. In the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course -- formerly Accelerated Strengths Coaching -- you'll learn how to coach people to know themselves better, form stronger teams, excel in their career and perform better than ever before.
What is the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course?
The Gallup Global Strengths Coach course -- formerly Accelerated Strengths Coaching -- is a four-and-a-half-day course that teaches you about people: how to spot their potential, how to bring their potential to life and how to coach what "could be" into hard-hitting results.
This course is based on the CliftonStrengths® approach to talent discovery and development. Our approach is:
- Versatile. Use it with people in almost any setting -- at work, in school, in faith communities and in general -- wherever people are trying to get something done.
- Individualized. You'll be able to handle the infinite variety that each person brings.
- Proven. Gallup experts have been cracking the code of human potential for decades. Our results stand up to tough scrutiny and even tougher reality.

What You'll Learn
This advanced course will give you the tools, techniques and experiences you need to help others perform better than ever before.
For your own development, you'll learn how to:
- see and use your areas of greatest talent
- build on and develop your talents
- use your talents to develop other people
You'll learn how to coach others to:
- understand their talents and use them to reach goals
- overcome obstacles, weaknesses and vulnerabilities
- get work done on teams and build relationships using their talents
- resolve team conflict and improve cooperation
- lead and manage teams to get their best performance
This is why we do what we do.
"GGSC has built up my coaching confidence tremendously. In the past, I coached people to fix their weaknesses for better performance. But with GGSC and applying Gallup's strengths-based coaching methods, I've helped my coachees to rethink their performance development. I guide them to appreciate their innate talents to create a behavior change that sticks. It is truly effective."

"GGSC truly took CliftonStrengths coaching to the next level for me, and I don't know how anyone would be able to coach without this training. The weeklong experience taught me everything from the ins and outs of each strength to how the strengths work. With this training, I went from being able to recite strengths facts to clients to sharing insights based on individual and team results."

"The GGSC course helped me think strategically and globally about the 34 themes. When I unpack individual results with leaders, it helps rebuild their self-confidence and reignites the fire in their belly so that they can accomplish amazing things personally and professionally. Gallup courses are extremely well-organized, articulated and practical."

"GGSC gave me knowledge and understanding first and foremost. It helped me internalize the value of focusing on strengths. It also provided me with valuable Gallup connections -- the trainers -- as well as a strong beginning network of peer practitioners in the course. It also provided me with tangible tools, such as coaching guides and workshop exercises, that have been extremely helpful."

What You'll Earn
Gallup Certification
"Do you know what you're doing?" Answer this question before it's asked. Get certified. Gallup certification has long carried with it the full weight of Gallup's knowledge, credibility and integrity. Completing the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course is the fastest route to becoming a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.

Professional Credit Hours
Participants who successfully complete the in-person course earn professional credit hours from ICF (36 CCE hours: 19 Core and 17 Resource Development), HRCI (34 hours) and SHRM (36.8 hours).
Participants who successfully complete the virtual course can earn professional credit hours from ICF (34.6 CCE hours: 18.6 Core and 16 Resource Development), HRCI (34.5 hours) and SHRM (34.5 hours).

Get the essential resources you need.
You'll get a small library of materials when you take this course. They're the fruit of decades of Gallup research, and they're dense and actionable. Read them, discuss them and coach from them long after you've completed the course.

- CliftonStrengths Insight Photo Cards
- CliftonStrengths Theme Dynamics Cards
- Paired Up Booklet (An Examination of Theme Dynamics)
- Values Cards
- Theme Tile Picture Cards
- Openings/Discussion Cards
- Winners Cards
- Learning Journal
- Downloadable Coaching Resources

Why? Because it works.
This course has a backbone: the CliftonStrengths approach to talent discovery and developmentCliftonStrengths talent discovery and development. CliftonStrengths flows through nearly every element the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course, and you'll learn to practice and perfect it in the real world. Why? Because it works.
Gallup's most recent meta-analysis -- a study of many studies -- analyzed 1.2 million individuals and 49,495 work units in 45 countries to understand specifically how our approach affects outcomes.
Here's what we found.
Teams that received strengths-based development have achieved:
19%increased sales
29%increased profits
59%fewer safety incidents
72%lower turnover (in high-turnover organizations)
Your workplace issues, taken care of.
People are the heart of your workplace. Understand them, and you'll know how to solve your workplace problems, seize opportunities and outperform your competitors. The Gallup Global Strengths Coach course is the answer to some of the most important workplace questions and issues.
How do I improve someone's work performance?
Engage them at work. It's not the only answer, but it's one of the best.
Gallup's most recent meta-analysis -- a study of many studies -- on team engagement and performance includes data accumulated over the past two decades.
When Gallup analyzed the differences in performance between engaged and actively disengaged business/work units, those scoring in the top quartile on employee engagement significantly outperformed those in the bottom quartile on these crucial performance outcomes:
How do I improve employee engagement?
Meet employees' needs as people first. Now is a good time to ask, "What DO human beings need?"
We have you covered. The Gallup Global Strengths Coach course gives you many ready-to-use tools to immediately understand your people's needs to give them what they want.
The tools and methods in this course address some of the most important human needs in the workplace. Here are a few needs you'll be prepared to meet after you take the course:
1People need a manager who understands and coaches them. The manager is the strongest factor in employees' engagement.
2People need the opportunity for development. The inability to grow at work is the No. 1 reason people leave their jobs.
3People need to know what they're good at. When employees know and use their strengths, they are more engaged -- nearly six times more -- and they perform better.
By attending the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course, you'll learn how to fulfill these basic human needs. You'll learn to meet your people where they are and coach them to where they could be.
How do I excel as a manager?
The best managers do three things well: 1) develop strengths, 2) focus on engagement and 3) maximize performance.
1They understand and appreciate their employees' talents and strengths and use this information to uniquely set up each person for success.
2They emphasize their team's engagement to ensure that workplace needs are met.
3They set clear expectations and performance goals, provide strengths-based feedback, and make adjustments to help their team take action.
The Gallup Global Strengths Coach course teaches you the fundamentals of reshaping how you manage people.
How do I create a great workplace?
Great workplaces develop good managers into remarkable coaches. Gallup knows more about managers than anyone else in the world. Through decades of research, we have learned that managers account for 70% of the variance in team engagement at work.
Great workplaces recognize that managers are the primary lever of change in any organization. From modeling the organization's purpose and values to coaching individual performance, managers bring the organization's culture to life and, ultimately, define how employees perceive the organization. So, if your managers don't change, nothing changes.
People come to the Gallup Global Strengths Coach course as managers. They leave as coaches.
Sign up for a session today!
We teach coaches everywhere how to help others perform at their best. Find a Gallup Global Strengths Coach course near you, or explore our virtual offerings.

Explore our other courses.
Uncomplicate people, fast. When you take our courses, you'll learn about how people get work done, hit performance goals, break new ground in their personal development and more.
You'll get some of our most profound discoveries, made ready to pick up and use right away.

Not sure this course is right for you?
We regularly offer in-person and virtual briefing events. They're a chance to learn more and ask questions about our courses and offerings -- all at no cost to you.
Let's talk about Gallup Global Strengths Coach.
Complete this form to connect with Gallup and learn more about why you should become certified. You'll also receive our guide How to Become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach via email.