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Showing 91-100 of 152 results.

Americans With Government Health Plans Most Satisfied

Americans with government-sponsored insurance are the most likely to be satisfied with the way the healthcare system works for them, while those without insurance are least likely to be satisfied.

Democrats View U.S. Justices Kennedy, Roberts Favorably

Democrats view two Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices -- Anthony Kennedy and John Roberts -- more positively than Republicans do. Republicans are more positive toward another GOP appointee, Antonin Scalia.

Republicans' Approval of Supreme Court Sinks to 18%

After key Supreme Court decisions legalized same-sex marriage and upheld the healthcare law, a record-low 18% of Republicans approve of the job the court is doing. With 76% of Democrats approving, the party gap is the largest to date.

Americans' Views of Healthcare Law Improve

Shortly after the Supreme Court turned back another legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act in late June, Americans' views of the law improved. Yet as many still disapprove of the law as approve of it.

Americans' Views of Gov't Handling of Healthcare Up Sharply

Americans' satisfaction with the way the government handles healthcare is up sharply from 2013. Overall, Americans are most satisfied with the government's mail delivery and least satisfied with its efforts to handle poverty.

Americans Slightly More Positive Toward Affordable Care Act

Americans' views about the Affordable Care Act are more positive now than they were last fall, although they are still more negative than positive. Half disapprove of the law, while 44% approve -- the narrowest gap since 2013.

Mentions of Terrorism Rise as U.S. Most Important Problem

The percentage of Americans mentioning terrorism as the most important problem facing the U.S. is at its highest level since January 2010, at 8%. Government dissatisfaction and the economy are still the top overall problems.

Gallup's Top 10 U.S. Well-Being Discoveries of 2014

Gallup editors highlight the 10 most important U.S. health and well-being findings from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index in 2014.

As ACA Takes Effect, Majority OK With Personal Health Costs

A majority of Americans say they are satisfied with their healthcare costs, representing little change over the past decade. Those aged 65 and older are much more satisfied with their healthcare costs than younger Americans.

Americans and the Big Picture Assessment of Government

The majority of Americans do not feel that the federal government should take on the role of making sure that all Americans have healthcare coverage. This has been the case for five of the last six years, as I reviewed here and as depicted in ...