Global Law and Order Research Center
Gauging the Personal Security of the World
Who feels the most and the least secure worldwide? The Law and Order Index answers this based on people's reported confidence in their local police, whether they feel safe walking alone at night where they live and the incidence of theft and assault or mugging in the past year. The higher the score on the index, the higher the proportion of the population that reports feeling secure.
How Safe Do People Feel Worldwide?
The Law and Order Index measures countries' progress toward achieving the United Nations' goal for peaceful, secure societies. See how more than 140 countries scored in 2022.
Do people feel safe where they live?
Gallup's annual Global Law and Order report allows world leaders to compare each country's progress (including their own) toward reaching the United Nations' goal of building a more peaceful and secure world.
Law and Order 2023 Report
Gallup's 2023 Global Law and Order report reveals that a new country feels the least safe in the world and another country holds the lowest score in the world on the Law and Order Index.
Law and Order 2022 Report
Gallup's 2022 Global Law and Order report showed that while most people worldwide remain confident in police and feel secure, progress has stalled.
Law and Order 2021 Report
Gallup's 2021 report shows that most people worldwide feel secure and have confidence in their local police. Download the report to see who scored highest on the Law and Order Index.
Law and Order 2020 Report
Gallup's 2020 report presents our latest findings, based on interviews with nearly 175,000 adults in 144 countries and areas in 2019.
Law and Order 2019 Report
Gallup's 2019 report provides a global gauge of people's sense of personal security and their experiences with crime and law enforcement.
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