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Showing 1-10 of 200 results.

U.S.: Leader or Loser in the G7?

Across a range of indicators, from the national government to the judiciary, the U.S. performs worse than its counterparts in the G7.

Building Psychological Safety in Your Team

Learn what psychological safety is and how managers and organizations can foster it more intentionally in their workplaces.

Mastering Meaningful Conversations at Work

Learn what you can do to foster meaningful workplace conversations, and how your -- and others' -- CliftonStrengths can empower you in that effort.

Pakistanis' Discontent Reaches Record High Before Election

Gallup surveys in Pakistan ahead of the election on Thursday reveal that the outlook among the electorate is bleaker than it has been in decades.

Can NATO and the EU Survive and Thrive?

A new Gallup analysis suggests that whether the EU and NATO survive -- and thrive -- may depend on the actions of powerful member states and the confidence that people in member states have in their domestic political institutions.

Ethics Ratings of Nearly All Professions Down in U.S.

Ethics ratings of a diverse list of 23 professions are less positive than they have been in recent years, with eight establishing or tying record lows.

Nurses First, Doctors Distant Second in Healthcare Provider Ratings

Nurses lead eight other providers in Americans' ratings of their medical care. Doctors rank second; hospitals and walk-in clinics round out the top four.

What Is a Strengths-Based Manager? Part 2

Discover how managers can become more effective at applying employees' strengths, in Part 2 of a 2-part series with Gallup's Dean Jones.

Leading With Strengths Launch With Gallup CEO Jon Clifton

Learn about Gallup's Leading With Strengths initiative and how it can help you accelerate your development.

Media Confidence in U.S. Matches 2016 Record Low

Americans' trust in the mass media's reporting matches its lowest point in Gallup's trend, largely because of Democrats' decreased trust.
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