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Showing 91-100 of 200 results.

Do You Trust Science?

What if trust in science, health and vaccines crashed? A new global survey probes these and other urgent questions.

A Letter to Elected Representatives, From the Average American

What average Americans would say in a letter to their elected representatives.

How Religion Could Lower Health Costs in America

Businesses and government want Americans to engage in a host of healthy behaviors. Though controversial, practicing religion could be included in those behaviors, as religious Americans are healthier and happier.

Military, Small Business, Police Still Stir Most Confidence

Americans' confidence in institutions is broadly stable, but organized religion has sunk to another low while big business and banks have recovered slightly.

2017 Update on Americans and Religion

About half of Americans identify as Protestants, while 23% are Catholics and 21% have no religious identity. Thirty-seven percent are highly religious, 33% not religious at all.

In U.S., Four in 10 Report Attending Church in Last Week

Nearly four in 10 Americans report that they attended religious services in the past seven days, similar to the percentages Gallup found in 1940 and 1950, although there have been significant fluctuations over time.

Religion, Same-Sex Relationships and Politics in Indiana and Arkansas

The controversy over the state-based religious freedom laws in Indiana and Arkansas highlights the continuing impact of religion on social and policy issues in this country.

Religion Remains a Strong Marker of Political Identity in U.S.

Very religious Americans continue to align with the Republican Party, while moderately religious and nonreligious Americans are more likely to identify as Democrats. These patterns have remained consistent over almost seven years.

Americans' Preference for Larger Families Highest Since 1971

Although the U.S. birth rate remains relatively low, Americans increasingly believe having three or more children is ideal.

Belief in God in U.S. Dips to 81%, a New Low

Eighty-one percent of U.S. adults say they believe in God, down six percentage points from 2017 and the lowest in Gallup's trend.