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Showing 21-30 of 40 results.

40 Organizations Leading the World in Employee Engagement

Truly engaged workplaces are rare. Gallup research shows that worldwide, just 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs -- they are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.

How to Make Training a Catalyst for Real Change

Too often, training programs fail to deliver the change a company seeks. Here are some guidelines for programs that will create meaningful change.

Bridging the Leadership Gap in Asia

Engagement is alarmingly low among senior leaders in the region. If they're going to grow in the next decade, Asian companies must develop an effective leadership pipeline now.

36 Companies That Set the Standard for Workplace Excellence

Gallup research shows that globally, just 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs -- that is to say, they are emotionally invested in, and focused on, creating value for their organizations every day. While the remaining 87% are classified as ...

Most Change Initiatives Fail -- But They Don't Have To

Change initiatives are rarely implemented effectively. A global financial services company succeeded by recognizing the critical role of front-line managers -- not "change" managers.

Building a Talent Machine

Companies that lead the world in growth have a relentless focus on talent. They're run by executives who have created high-performing operating systems that name the right people as managers and leaders.

Newt Gingrich Campaign Already in Trouble Before Staff Resignations

At least 16 members of Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign's entire staff have resigned en masse over campaign differences. This has caused campaign observers to opine that Gingrich's probability of gaining the GOP nomination is low. The ...

U.S. Investor Optimism Hits New Low

It was not only Wall Street but also average investor confidence that plunged last week, as the Gallup Index of Investor Optimism, conducted Feb. 17-19, fell 24 points to -64 -- a new low for the Index since its inception in October 1996.

Malgré la richesse pétrolière, les Tchadiens restent insatisfaits de leur niveau de vie

Bien que le pétrole apporte des revenus au Tchad depuis 2003, l'enquête du Gallup World Poll montre que les Tchadiens sont insatisfaits de leur niveau de vie. De fortes majorités de répondants pensent que les droits de propriété foncière ...

Wanted: More Conversations in the Workplace

Over the past decade, many organiza­tions have designed their buildings to encourage conversations and interaction. They want employees to socialize -- a lot. This excerpt from the upcoming book Vital Friends, by bestselling author Tom Rath, ...
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