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Showing 1-10 of 200 results.
Exploring Young Women's Leftward Expansion
A sharp rise over the past decade in young women who describe their political views as liberal, particularly relative to young men, is reflected most prominently in their attitudes on the environment and abortion.
Americans Expect Home Prices to Rise, See Market as Poor
Nearly seven in 10 Americans expect home prices to rise in their local area over the next year. Three-quarters think it is a bad time to buy a house.
March Economic Confidence Steady, Still Improved From Fall
Americans' economic confidence in March remains higher than it was in late 2023.
After Four Years, 59% in U.S. Say COVID-19 Pandemic Is Over
About six in 10 Americans think the COVID-19 pandemic is over, but roughly the same proportion of adults say their lives are not back to normal.
Political, Economic Indicators Not Promising for Biden
Biden's approval rating, Americans' satisfaction with the country's direction and economic confidence suggest Biden faces an uphill climb to win a second term.
New COVID Shot Uptake Lagging Behind Annual Flu Shot Rates
Fewer than one in three U.S. adults say they have gotten the new COVID-19 shot this year.
Nurses First, Doctors Distant Second in Healthcare Provider Ratings
Nurses lead eight other providers in Americans' ratings of their medical care. Doctors rank second; hospitals and walk-in clinics round out the top four.
U.S. Attention to Political News Slips Back to Typical Levels
The 32% of Americans who follow political news very closely is down from the prior two readings but typical of years before a presidential election.
Americans' COVID-19 Concerns Rise, but Still Restrained
Amid a rise in COVID-19 infections over the past month, more Americans perceive that the coronavirus situation is getting worse and are worried about getting infected. But these concerns are still relatively low.
Remote Work Stable at Higher Rate Post-Pandemic
U.S. workers report working remotely an average of 3.8 days per month, down from 5.8 in 2020 but higher than the 2.4 measured before the pandemic.