Employee Wellbeing
Explore Gallup's research.

Discover the elements of wellbeing. Learn why employee wellbeing is important for organizational resilience, retention, work-life balance and more.

U.S. employees who strongly agree that they are treated with respect at work has returned to the record low of 37%, first recorded in 2022.

The workplace has not returned to pre-pandemic normalcy, and leadership challenges abound in 2025. But each of these challenges has a solution.

Even with the passing of the pandemic crisis, employee wellbeing continues to erode. Employee engagement makes a difference.

Poor wellbeing affects the performance of employees and organizations alike.

Most employees don't believe employers are fully committed to improving their mental health and wellbeing. Three steps can repair this disconnect.

Across work locations, leaders and managers can cultivate a thriving workforce by implementing key practices that put people first.

20% of employees feel lonely, with younger and fully remote workers feeling it most. Work itself can decrease loneliness -- read more to see how.

Most employees feel like their company doesn't care about their wellbeing. See why leaders need to start paying closer attention to how their employees are doing.

An estimated 19% of U.S. workers describe their mental health as only fair or poor, with incremental unplanned absenteeism amounting to $47.6 billion annually.

UAE's employee wellbeing is in good shape -- but it could be even higher. See how managers play a direct role in the thriving of their employees.

As employee burnout and negative emotions reach record levels, employers are looking for solutions. Can less work decrease workplace stress?

Employees were more stressed than ever in 2021. See the data and how leaders can better address wellbeing in the workplace.