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Analytical®: How to Feel More Energized at Work
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Analytical®: How to Feel More Energized at Work

Webcast Details

  • What do people with Analytical bring to their roles and workplaces?
  • How can you bring energy and motivation to work as you apply your Analytical talent?
  • How can managers with Analytical create more of an energized, thriving culture on their teams?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.


Productive employees want energy, motivation and drive to characterize their work life. Managers want their teams to possess these in abundance. And organizations envision an entire engaged, thriving workforce that overflows with these qualities. How can individuals high in Analytical bring energy and motivation to their workplaces? And how can managers high in Analytical® foster a work environment that is energized, motivated and thriving? Join Gallup's Jim Collison and Dr. Jaclynn Robinson and discover how, using your Analytical theme, you can bring new energy and motivation to your role, your managing, your coaching.


Someone with Analytical is really good at taking complexity and then just drilling it down into simplicity.

Jaclynn Robinson, 2:32

When we think about feeling seen, heard and valued, there is an area where Analytical can do really well on this by bringing the details.

Jim Collison, 11:53

Jim Collison 0:00
I am Jim Collison, and this is The CliftonStrengths® Podcast, Season 3, recorded on November 17, 2023.

Jim Collison 0:23
In this CliftonStrengths Podcast series, we'll look at how to feel more energized and motivated at work one theme at a time, and today's theme is Analytical. If you're listening live, we'd love to have your comments in chat. And if you're listening after the fact, you can send us an email: Dr. Jaclynn Robinson is our host today. She works as a Senior Learning and Development Consultant and joined me for Seasons 1 and 2 of The CliftonStrengths Podcast -- hopefully you're subscribed to those -- where we looked at Wellbeing at Work and our CliftonStrengths role-based reports. Jaclynn, always great to be with you. Welcome back!

Jaclynn Robinson 0:56
Hello! Thank you.

Analytical: Questions for Individuals

Jim Collison 0:59
We're talking this season about bringing energy to work with your themes. I think -- we're releasing this in 2024, and I think this is going to be a very big topic. I think we've hit this one on the head. Today we're talking about Analytical, and we're looking at it through the lens of both the individual and then the manager. And we'll start with the individual. Jaclynn, what do you think are some ways an individual with Analytical can feel more energized by focusing on their basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 1:24
So basic needs, going back to just you know, key responsibilities of the role, and Hey, do I have the resources I need to cover those key responsibilities? Someone with the -- Analytical, once they identify what those key responsibilities or priorities are, the way that they can continue to just inform their process is to have some data-driven performance metrics. What does excellence specifically look like in these key areas, so that I can measure my success and continue to have clarity with where I'm at in relation to where I need to be in this particular responsibility, priority or outcome that I need to achieve?

Jim Collison 2:04
With high Analytical, sometimes those basic needs can be forgotten. How do we think, because we maybe focus on the process or focus on the numbers, and remember that we're humans too? How do we, how do you think folks with high Analytical can remind themselves that, Hey, I need to be, I need to make sure my basic needs are being met too? What do you, what do you think there?

Jaclynn Robinson 2:31
Well, someone with Analytical is really good at taking complexity and then just drilling it down into simplicity. So there might even be the wellbeing check where, if you feel like, you know, your head is spinning, because there's so many things on your plate, How do you take all those complex, that complex feeling you have, that anxious feeling you have? Because there's 10 things that need to get done today, and apparently, everything's a priority? To then just go to your manager and say, What exactly should I be focused on? And help, have them help you find the simplicity in your job that feels very bananas, very busy, very just expeditious in nature, which can really help probably ground you and start to get into the weeds with what performance metrics look like, what barriers or obstacles you foresee might happen. Because again, Analytical is also really good at, you know, looking at the whole picture, poking -- I call it poking the bear, but looking for holes to say, What have we not considered that we need to, so that we can be at our best, or we can make sure we're standing on solid ground? So getting that clarity from the manager can be helpful, so that you can have some more simplicity in your life.

Jim Collison 3:45
What about feeling more energized by the focus on their individual strengths and development? What, this is an area -- I'm curious; I don't know what you're gonna say here. I'm actually really curious. So how can they be energized by that, do you think?

Jaclynn Robinson 3:59
Oh, yes! There's a love for logic. So where are you feeling mentally stimulated -- those of you that have Analytical high? Where are you getting lost in your flow of analysis and the workload? Maybe it has to do with supporting others -- you get lost in the flow of supporting others -- and helping them find, you know, the holes in the story, so that when they're moving forward, they feel like they've thought through everything, in terms of that key responsibility or project. Maybe you are in a role where you are driving to increase revenues. And that gives you a lot of joy and energy, because you get to look at the data. Where are we at in relation to where we need to be, with profit or revenue? So start to really analyze your own day-to-day, to consider where you're getting that joy and energy, and how you can continue to just spin-cycle through it and give yourself more of that. More of those opportunities, or at least go to your manager to see if you can have more of those opportunities.

Jim Collison 5:00
Yeah, and we're gonna talk about this in the context of teams here in a minute. But I think there's also an opportunity to make, for the individual to make, for their own development, to make us aware -- to the teams they're on -- that they'll do this kind of work for people. Hey, cause I know, for me, I think, like, if I've thought more than 3 seconds, it's a miracle on some things. The car drive home is advantageous, because I'll think for the 10 minutes that I'm in the car driving home, right. It's all you kind of can do. But, but letting, I think, for their own development of challenging themselves to make it aware on the, that they're willing to do this. They're, like, let me, let me help you think through this, and certainly from my perspective. What do you think -- well, let me, let me shift that a little -- What do you think, what kind of things, what kind of mental exercises do you think they can do individually, to continue, to scratch that itch, so to speak? And, and even maybe when it hasn't been explicitly assigned to them? Any thoughts on that?

Jaclynn Robinson 6:07
For their development -- how can they start to -- ?

Jim Collison 6:10

Jaclynn Robinson 6:10
I think it's going back into that, that analysis work that they can mentally do, to say, How, where, where do I get lost in the flow? Let me make note of that. And then what you just brought up -- Have I shared that out with other people, so they know where I'm deriving my joy and my energy? And so they know if I am asking a lot of questions or wanting to play devil's advocate or getting kind of lost in the weeds, so to speak, by getting into the micro-level data or information, that that's actually what excites me and motivates me and gives me fuel. So they see it as a good thing, and they'll start to come to me as well, for more of those opportunities, or thought partnership.

Jim Collison 6:53
I gave some of this away, but we also talk about how to feel more energized by building partnerships and finding purpose in their role. When we think about purpose, talk a little bit about purpose.

Jaclynn Robinson 7:05
For this one, they can see, well, going back to the individual, they can be really helpful at just maybe calling out customer success stories or internal success stories. And because they're good with data, information, resources and/or facts -- I mean, it varies for those high in Analytical -- you can put a lot of weight into the story that you're sharing, to say, this is how we made change. This is how we made impact, specifically with numbers -- maybe it's profit, maybe it's you helped save a company X amount of money, maybe it's something you did, even within your internal organization. Because not everyone is customer facing; you have internal customers, AKA, other employees you work with. So I think there's ways that they can back their success stories about how they're showing impact with information or data, where you go, Wow, yeah, we really have done that!

Analytical: Questions for Managers

Jim Collison 8:10
Yeah, it gives them an opportunity, you think about, and even maybe rehearsing the successes of thinking through the data and saying, We did this. There is, then it had this kind of effect downstream on things, in a very particular way. All of my examples are always anecdotal. Like, oh, I feel like it. Someone with high, high Analytical could be, we've thought through these, and we think about this purpose of saying, we changed, influenced, built, whatever -- fill in the blank. You know, and reliving those things on purpose. OK, let's spend some time talking about the manager a little bit. How can a manager with Analytical support others with their basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 8:56
This is, this is where I think it gets fun, because you've got a manager with Analytical that can, that can and enjoys seeing things from all angles. And so having that big picture of what their team needs to focus on, they're going to be pretty adept at knowing, How do we measure our performance and know what excellence looks like? And what obstacles might get in our way that we need to solve for, or at least bring awareness to, so we can start to account for it? So because of their ability to play devil's advocate or see things from you know, all angles, they're going to be really good at, at hammering in on performance metrics for the team, so the team is going to have clarity, and thinking about any barriers that might get in the way. So now they and/or the team can start to consider solutions. And that's going to keep the workflow moving forward.

Jim Collison 9:55
Talk about that in the context of helping them feel seen, heard and valued in that. What, I think there's an effect to their, to what you just said about that. Bring more of that, those ideas of seen, heard and valued, for the individual.

Jaclynn Robinson 10:11
From -- ?

Jim Collison 10:12
A manager's perspective.

Jaclynn Robinson 10:14
Of how they feel seen, heard and valued?

Jim Collison 10:16
Yeah, so how can a manager with, with Analytical help others feel seen, heard and valued?

Jaclynn Robinson 10:23
It shows a level of respect whenever they are listening in to the needs of the employee. So if the employee says, I'm just not quite clear on what I should focus on today, that manager can give them the specific, you know, priorities or the specific metrics that they need to know what being on course or being on track looks like. If they have an employee that comes to them and says, I've got this obstacle, and it's in my way, and it's really frustrating, and I can't get my job done because of it. (It could be an IT issue. It could be a hardware issue. It could be budget.) Then the manager's there to help them solve for that solution. And just having someone that listens to you, and can see things from all angles, can really help you feel like you're seen, heard and valued and respected.

Jim Collison 11:19
Yeah, yeah. And for those, I mean, everybody loves to know that they're headed in the right direction. And sometimes, bringing those, you know, sometimes we just need to say, Let's move forward. But then there are moments, and I, like I think this is really key around the area of recognition, and, and thinking through, you know, meaningful recognition that's well-thought-out, well-backed-up, well-rehearsed, not just off the cuff. And I think that, right, when we think about feeling seen, heard and valued, there is an area where Analytical can do really well on this by bringing the details.

Jaclynn Robinson 11:58
I see it in action, too! Yes! I appreciate that you brought up that point. And really, you know, brought it home, because I see that. Managers that have this high will look at quarterly revenue or quarterly progress for the team. And then one of the things that I've seen one do very well is they'll send a note each quarter to say, you all have gone above and beyond. Congratulations! This is the level of impact you're creating. You have supported, you know, X amount of people. You have supported the organization in this way. And it could be, you know, revenue; it could be income stream; it could be sales, depending on that, that industry that that person's in. And so you've got, not just the recognition that that manager's giving you, but the value-add of how you've created impact. They're really good at helping people.

Jim Collison 13:03
It's powerful, and it's powerful when it does happen that way. I mean, there's, there's all kinds of different ways to do that, right. And, but, but for high Analytical, I think there's some great opportunities to recognize on a deep, meaningful -- not that the other themes are not deep and meaningful, but -- understanding the data or understanding the well-thought-out, so to speak, well-thought-out, thinking through that. I think the end result of something like that, and I'm going to ask you to add to that, that as well, but about building trust and inspiring and deepening team collaboration and community, any more? As we think about how Analytical adds to that, how else, or additional thoughts on how we continue to build those teams out?

Jaclynn Robinson 13:50
I think they can study best practices, almost like a case study. What am I identifying is working well for my team? And let's have a conversation about it and highlight those best practices. Let's maybe take a particular case study -- and I'll use the air quotes there -- of something that's worked really well for a team member in a particular, you know, scenario, so that everyone else can also learn from it and build off of that case study. So you're creating more trust and rapport and partnership by just highlighting successes. And the manager, because they like to clue in on what's working and what isn't and, you know, just kind of get into the weeds, they're going to know who's doing what across their team to say, Hey, I really like what you did there. And I saw that, because you had this as a best practice, it created this level of impact. And again, it might be numbers, client-supported, whatever it could be. But that information gathering could then happen from the team member to pull it in as a case study in a, in a team meeting, and to share out, so everyone's learning from one another.

Jim Collison 14:59
I think sometimes managers with high Analytical get a bad rap of being in their heads all the time, right, of being, maybe not connecting? How could a manager with high Analytical really support the growth of each team, because it, of each team -- let me finish the sentence -- of each team member? It can be done. What are some ways you've seen or we think about what's the sweet spot in, in growing each of the team members?

Jaclynn Robinson 15:26
They can see patterns. They, you know, they have a really adept way of seeing patterns, whether it's complex or simple. And so just being able to spot the potential in each of their team members by recognizing the specific patterns within a team member can be incredibly conducive. We all know, once we're just in it, we don't always see the talent that we might be bringing to the table or the best practices that we have. But you have someone that likes to analyze and start to identify what is, you know, potentially working. And then in that next one-on-one meeting, the manager can bring it out and say, Hey, I noticed that you did this responsibility with excellence. This is how I saw it increase your performance. This is how I saw your engagement, you know, amplify. Is this an area that you want to develop further?

Jim Collison 16:20
Yeah, I don't, I don't think about my own life, much more my work, sometimes, beyond about 2 minutes. I always appreciate people who are thinking like, you know -- and you could tell, right -- I've been thinking about this. Let, let me, let me help you -- let me help you get -- . And I always, I always do appreciate that, because it's just, it's, it's growth for me as I, as I work with people who have high Analytical or high Strategic® in some of those areas where those things are well-thought-out. Final thoughts on Analytical before we wrap it up?

Jaclynn Robinson 16:55
Someone high in Analytical, you've got, you know, the, the logical and methodical approach to life. And that can actually really support team members in building strong social connections, in achieving collective goals, by being able to highlight best practices, by being able to highlight the value-add that they're bringing, through information or data or facts that you can back it with. And so I'd say, continue to lean into it, because it is one that can deliver a lot of purpose and a sense of community and a, you know, a sense of clarity, which everybody needs in their roles.

Jim Collison 17:29
Yeah. Yeah, well-thought-out. Well-thought-out indeed. Well, with that, we'll remind everyone to take full advantage of all the resources we do have available for you around this at Gallup Access. Head out to my got -- For coaching, master coaching or if you want to become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, send us an email: Join us for the 2024 Gallup at Work Summit. If it happens to be after that, and you're listening -- good chances are, it is -- we probably have something coming up in 2025 or after that. Check it out: Stay up to date on all future webcasts by joining our Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups as well. You can find all those just by searching "CliftonStrengths." And if you found this useful today and enjoyed it, we'd ask that you'd share it, and thanks for listening. Thanks for coming out. Live audience, stay around for a little bit of a postshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Jaclynn Robinson's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Achiever, Strategic, Maximizer, Positivity and Relator.

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