Megan Brenan
About Megan
Megan Brenan is a Senior Editor at Gallup. Brenan uses her expertise in analysis and questionnaire design to advise on Gallup client survey projects. She also writes data-driven articles on a broad range of topics for Gallup.com, including economic, political and business matters.
Before joining Gallup, Brenan worked more than 17 years at The New York Times as a writer and most recently as the deputy editor of the News Surveys desk. She covered polling and elections throughout her tenure at The Times under the bylines "Megan Thee" and Megan Thee-Brenan."
Brenan received her bachelor's degree in political science from College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. She has been a member of AAPOR for nearly two decades and served as secretary and treasurer of its New York Chapter.
U.S. Polling & Research