Is the World More Secure? Find Out in the 2020 Global Law and Order Report
Find out how your country scores on Gallup's Law and Order Index, a worldwide gauge of people's sense of personal security and their personal experiences with crime and law enforcement.
In the city or area where you live, do you have confidence in the local police force?
Discover how residents in 144 countries and areas answered this question and more in the 2020 Global Law and Order report. The latest report offers a baseline for the world's security in the post-pandemic world and how the world moves forward amid global civil unrest related to law enforcement.
Download the report today to compare how different countries are doing on the United Nations goal for "peaceful and inclusive" societies.
Uncover global answers to the following questions:
- In the city or area where you live, do you have confidence in the local police force?
- Do you feel safe walking alone at night in the city or area where you live?
- Within the last 12 months, have you had money or property stolen from you or another household member?
- Within the past 12 months, have you been assaulted or mugged?

drop in Chileans' confidence in their local police
increase in Bolivia's Law and Order Index score
of Northern America is confident in their local police
Download the report.
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