Gallup 2020 Global Emotions Report
Uncover the daily experiences of people in more than 140 countries and areas. In 2019, we interviewed 175,000+ individuals to find out if they were experiencing enjoyment, learning something interesting and feeling well-rested, or if they felt a lot of stress, anger or worry.
Gallup's Global Emotions Report tracks a fundamental element of the human experience: emotion. Globally, how people feel is a powerful force. It can forge the destiny of a nation or just the shape of a day.
In this yearly issue of Gallup's Global Emotions Report, you'll discover how the world was feeling on the cusp of the COVID-19 crisis and how some countries have felt during the pandemic. The U.S., for instance, has seen a considerable spike in sadness in 2020.
Our two indexes, the Positive Experience Index and the Negative Experience Index, paint a unique picture of the globe. Big-picture trends remained stable, with negative experiences overall continuing their upward climb.
Each country and area has its own story to tell, with some populations reporting continued strong wellbeing while others experienced extreme emotional turmoil, like the Lebanese, whose sadness, anger and stress soared to record levels.
While the post-COVID-19 emotional state of the globe will require its own attention, 2019 represents an important benchmark for "how things were" before the crisis.

25 point
increase in the percentage of Lebanese who experienced worry
of people worldwide said they felt treated with respect
of Americans in 2020 reported experiencing a lot of sadness the previous day
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