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New Hampshire Learning Initiative

Gallup and the New Hampshire Learning Initiative have collaborated to study the impact of career-connected learning on middle and high school students.

Featured Report

The Power of Career-Connected Learning in New Hampshire

Approximately one in six 18- to 24- year-olds are neither enrolled in school nor working, despite nearly 10 million jobs that are available in the United States. Additionally, only about half of students say their school is good at teaching them about potential careers.

Some states have turned to career-connected learning (CCL), an educational strategy designed to prepare K-12 students with the skills needed to build bright futures and connect employers to capable students.

Gallup and the New Hampshire Learning Initiative’s The Power of Career-Connected Learning in New Hampshire report explores the impact of CCL on New Hampshire students in grades 5-12 and measures the interactions between CCL participation, engagement and hope.

The Power of Career-Connected Learning in New Hampshire Report Cover

Findings from this study give insight into what middle and high school students think about the career-connected learning opportunities they receive, and how it might affect their engagement in school and outlook on the future.

Download the report to see more.

Results for The Power of Career-Connected Learning in New Hampshire report are based on a web-based survey conducted from May 8 through June 13, 2023. The survey was available in English and Spanish and administered to students during the school day. Overall, 9,641 middle school and high school students responded from 13 districts and 28 schools throughout the state of New Hampshire . The results from this survey represent the first of a multiyear commitment to this study.

The study was designed in accordance with RSA 186:11, IX-d, New Hampshire’s policy governing the administration of non-academic surveys or questionnaires, which includes all surveys, questionnaires or other documents designed to elicit information about a student’s social behavior, family life, religion, politics, sexual orientation, sexual activity, drug use or any other information not related to a student’s academics. Additionally, the research protocol and survey were reviewed by Gallup’s Institutional Review Board.

The margin of error (MOE) for all 9,641 students surveyed is 1.0%. The MOE for the 4,346 middle school students surveyed is 1.5% and the MOE for the 5,295 high school students surveyed is 1.3%. The MOE is a measure of precision: For each group, there is a 95% chance that the estimate is within +/- the adjusted MOE. For example, 91% of high schoolers indicated they have participated in at least one CCL opportunity. With a MOE of 1.3%, there is reasonable certainty (a 95% chance) that the true estimate is between 89.7% and 92.3%.

92% of students who are engaged at school are more likely to say they have a great future ahead of them versus those who aren’t engaged (66%).
88% of students report participating in at least one career-connected learning opportunity.
61% of high school students wish they could participate in more career-connected learning opportunities.

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This study is made possible thanks in part to support from the Barr Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education.