Strengths-Based Parenting: Parenting With Your -- and Your Child's -- Strengths in Mind
While raising children is rewarding, it can also be challenging at times. But strengths-based parenting aims to help make parents' job a little easier by learning about their own and their child's unique talents and how to develop those talents into strengths.
There's More Than One Way to Parent; CliftonStrengths Can Help You Find Yours
Families are the most important operating systems in the world. Naturally, parents want their kids to grow up to become successful, happy people. And there is no better way to help them in their journey than recognizing and encouraging their individuality.
Once parents identify their children's area of talent and their own, they can start developing them into strengths.
And individuals, including kids, learn and develop best when using their natural talents to pursue their passions.

Start instilling confidence in your kids early on. Kids, like adults, tend to focus on their weaknesses. But you can help them focus on their natural talents instead by:
Redeem Your Codes to Discover Your Strengths

Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer Code
Redeem your Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer code. This assessment is recommended for children 10-14.

CliftonStrengths Code
Redeem your CliftonStrengths code. This assessment is recommended for parents or children 15 or older.

Strengths Based Parenting: The Book
In this book, Gallup extends strengths psychology to the most important operating system in the world -- the family.
With real-life stories, practical advice backed by Gallup data and access to the CliftonStrengths and Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer assessments, Strengths Based Parenting has the power to change how the world views parenting. By reading the book, you'll discover:
- practical advice on how to set kids up for success, including how to manage weaknesses
- what kids need most
- parenting strengths, styles and partnerships
- children's talents and strengths

Strengths Spotting: Signs of Talent in Young Children
Even in very young children, observant parents can identify dominant personality traits. Using the StrengthsSpotting method described in Strengths Based Parenting, parents can watch for indicators of budding talent in younger children.
Read the book to learn more about parenting with your strengths or spotting talent in young children.
What are the 10 Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer themes?
Future Thinker