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Explore Gallup's research.

Low engagement among German employees is aggravating the country's skills shortage. Here's what employers can do to reverse the trend.

Close to half of the workforce is seeking or open to new job opportunities. German employers must engage more of their employees or risk losing them.

Approval of U.S. leadership remained stable during the Biden administration's third year and relatively strong compared to China and Russia.

Southeast Asia's employers can enhance their workers' productivity, wellbeing and loyalty by creating great jobs and better employee experiences.

Investing in women is a catalyst for global prosperity. But for it to pay off, women need equal opportunities to learn, earn and lead.

Get data and insights on people's negative and positive daily experiences that can help leaders understand how to increase emotional health in society.

Employee stress levels are at record highs. But employers can do something about it. Use these techniques to reduce employee stress and burnout.

Read an excerpt from Gallup's book Blind Spot to learn how private sector organizations can build life-changing statistics that benefit the public.

Europe has some of the happiest people in the world -- but their workplaces don't reflect it. See the data on the state of Europe's employees.

Global disengagement is costly and harmful -- yet preventable.

Our global study reveals that progress on engagement and wellbeing has stalled. Managers, more than anyone else, can do something about it.

Gallup's Global Safety Research Center measures countries' progress toward achieving the United Nations' goal for peaceful, secure societies.

Gallup's latest report shows that most people worldwide feel secure and have confidence in their local police. Download the latest report to learn more.

A majority of German workers who saw wrongdoing at work in the past 12 months kept silent. See what managers can do to foster a culture of ethics.

European workers still need a better employee experience. Here's what organisations can do to improve it.

Do your workers want to stay remote? And do your managers know how to support them? Learn why these questions are so important.

Creating a culture of agility for businesses in France and the U.K. could fuel recovery and continuity.

British leaders trail the U.S. on important leadership and trust metrics. Learn how it affects employee engagement and what leaders can do.

29% of adults, or about 1.5 billion people worldwide, reported working full time for an employer in 2018.

Download the Disruption issue of The Real Future of Work online publication.