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Jo Self

Jo Self

United States of America

Experiencia en coaching: Career, Education, Families, Parenting, Students/Youth, Women

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: Coaching Packages, In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA), Español europeo

Acerca de Jo Self

Dedicated to Raising a Strengths-Based Generation and supporting coaches who are doing the same.  

TEDx Speaker | Trainer | Program Designer | Graphics Geek | Disruptor | Hablo Español 

Strategic | Activator | Maximizer | Communication | Ideation 

...which simply means I am a Catalytic Pioneer who won't settle for the status quo.  

OK, STOP! THAT’S A BIT UNNERVING. You can talk about someone else now. -- Chief Public Relations Officer, Jonathan Blum, Yum! Brands, 2003 

The very first time I trained a team in strengths at Yum! Brands, this was the leader’s response after he asked me to explain his talents to him. He hadn’t identified with any of them, and even worse, was against the idea of strengths development in general. But once I gave him a general picture of his habits, ways of thinking, delegating tasks - all based on how I interpreted his results – he was won over. He even became one of my biggest supporters. That was 14 years ago and I’ve been sharing the life changing benefits of strengths-based development ever since.  

Witnessing the success of Leadership Rhode Island and their quest to become a Strengths-Based State (which they did in under 5 years) combined with my deep belief that real, sustainable change is possible through strengths has led me to my mission in life: raising a strengths-based generation. The simple, universal language that the Clifton StrengthsFinder provides is the best tool to understand one another better and turn leadership on its side.  

I work with parents, educators, youth leaders and other coaches through a 3 stage program which allows us to appreciate, communicate and illuminate our unique power and contribution to the world. Classes are led both virtually and through in person workshops. This same program is available to coaches as a train-the trainer program in order to help new Strengths coaches launch their businesses with success.  

Evolution only comes from Revolution. Join the rEvolution today! Message me and let's see how we can work together.