Jonathan Ainsley
Experiencia en coaching: Career, Education, Enterprise Business, Executive Coaching, Faith, Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Keynotes, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Sales, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Teams, Wellbeing, Women
Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients
Métodos de coaching: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops
Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)
Please find me on LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-ainsley-49ba4ab/
Strategic / Responsibility / Individualization / Ideation / Relator
Here is what others have experienced through working with me …..
• I had a very positive experience. I have taken many, many personality “tests” and character evaluations and this, by far, was the most helpful in building up people and allowing us to lean into who God made us to be. I enjoyed hearing not only those traits that I bring to the table, but also those blind spots that I need to be aware of, but not necessarily have to “fix”. I’ve had too many experiences where I was told I was lacking in certain areas and needed to work on that, rather then being told to invest in what I am already good at. I greatly appreciate this approach.
• He helped steer the flow of conversation, which was incredibly helpful. He also helped ease tensions and asked questions that alleviated some almost stressful or frustrating situations. Your calm composure was GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for your respectful and invested demeanor.
• The “safe space” atmosphere that was created and the ability for staff to share openly and without judgement.
• This was a life changing experience! I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity! Jonathan was very knowledgeable about the topic, passionate about the efficiency of it and conveyed and directed the discussion to provoke self-evaluation and implementation of our talents individually and as a team.
• Jonathan did a wonderful job keeping it casual and just going where the conversation led us. I love that it wasn’t a presentation, or that he wasn’t treating the day like a list of tasks that have to be checked off, but instead a conversation amongst the team, and in some instances I would consider it therapeutic.
• Love the peace and soothing tone! He exudes confidence and knowledge of the matter. As mentioned earlier he believes in the program, is quite knowledgeable of it and through examples and his own experiences, led us formidably to see within ourselves and our teammates to make it practical for us.
• Jonathan is knowledgeable, engaging, patient, quick on his feet, and has a great ability to adapt/incorporate himself into the group he is working with.
• I enjoyed that it was in depth without feeling overwhelming. I also liked that it was in a group setting where we could learn about ourselves and those that we work with.
• The workshop was a great experience. It was interesting to see how everyone’s strengths ranked with the addition of the Regional Team Leaders. It gave a full team perspective on how each team member thinks and works.
• You did a great job engaging everyone and letting the conversations flow while keeping us on track with the objective at hand.