Toru Watanabe
コーチングの専門知識: Enterprise Business, Executive Coaching, Managers, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Teams, Leadership, Personal Development
コーチングの予約状況 Is accepting new clients
コーチングの手法: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Workshops, Seminars & Retreats
コーチングの言語: 日本語
また、スタートアップコーチとして起業や新事業開発のお手伝いをしており、経産省後援起業支援サイトDream gateのアドバイザーも務めています。
Create the best future with you & your team's unique strength dynamics !
I'm a government registered business consultant / executive coach who effectively helps CEOs and business leaders on self-transformation, business reform, organizational change, utilizing their unique strengths, so that they can change their future.
Also, I coach start-ups and new business owners to be successful. I also serve as an adviser of Dream Gate, helping platform for new business starters, sponsored by Japanese government.
1 on 1のコーチング、チームコーチング、会議のファシリテーションを主に行っており、
I offer not only 1 on 1 coaching, but team coaching, internal coach training, and board meeting facilitation. In addition, I help design customized training for leaders and business successors.
株式会社リノヴェクス 代表取締役
経済産業省登録 中小企業診断士
日本コーチング教育振興協会 代表理事
Creative Results Management認定コーチ
経産省後援Dream Gateアドバイザー
1. 未来志向 / Futuristic
2. 自我 / Significance
3. 目標志向 / Focus
4. 戦略性 / Strategic
5. 学習欲 / Learner