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Christine Gan

Christine Gan

New South Wales, Australia
Victoria, Australia
Queensland, Australia

Competência de coaching: Career, Financial Services, Healthcare, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Teams, Women, Wellbeing

Disponibilidade de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Método(s) de coaching: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Workshops

Idioma(s) de coaching: English (USA), English (Great Britain)

Sobre Christine Gan

I am a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, John Maxwell Certified Coach and Trainer who specialises in coaching individuals, leaders and teams. 


My purpose as a coach is bring out the GOLD in leaders and teams in becoming a HEALTHY LEADER  and a HEALTHY TEAM (#ValueUP) through strength based coaching and value based coaching.  Whilst the end goal is on IMPACT (the results), the FOCUS is on elevating your VALUE. 


We frequently find individuals or teams work from a place of an 'empty tank', and we often know what that could lead to (common scenarios such as experience the feeling of overwhelmed, stress, burnt out, disengagement or failure to deliver.) 


Whilst it is important to develop your strengths to produce high performance, it is also important to live and work from a place of value. HEALTHY VALUES fill your tank. 


When you understand the value of who you are (your identity), and live out of a place of VALUE, you will live and work as a HEALTHY YOU. That produces SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND RESULTS. Your VALUE will overflow from your healthy you, to your sphere of influence. 


I am passionate about 'elevating your value' because I see the GOLD in you and your ability to grow your value potential. You are your greatest gift. 


Until you see the value of who you are (your identity), you cannot be released to do what you are called to do (your purpose) and unleash your super powers (your giftings, talents, abilities and your heart). 


Leadership is more than what you do, it originates from who you are.  


I can offer you workshops, seminars and coaching (individual or team coaching), aiding in your personal and professional growth.