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Name, Claim, and Aim Your Strengths

Your top five strengths are your most dominant strengths. More than all your others, these strengths influence how you interact with the world and the people in it.Harness the power of your strengths by naming, claiming and aiming them.

Graphic of Name It, Claim It, Aim It” activity

Download your PDF copy of the“Name It, Claim It, Aim It” activity:

Start using the information from your report to enhance your personal development.

Grab a piece of paper or note taking device and follow these steps.

1. Name It This is the first step in understanding your CliftonStrengths report. As you read your report, think about whether the descriptions of your strengths genuinely describe you.

For each of your top five strengths, ask yourself the following questions and write your answers: What words or phrases in this strength description strongly resonate with me?

2. Claim It Start claiming your strengths by remembering times when they’ve contributed to your success. Consider how each strength helped you make things happen and how you applied it to your relationships.

For each of your top five strengths, ask yourself the following questions and write your answers: When did this strength help me succeed in the past? How can this strength help me succeed in my role?

3. Aim It After naming and claiming your strengths, start using them intentionally. Exercise your strengths to help you focus on specific action items to achieve a goal.

For each of your top five strengths, ask yourself the following questions and write your answers: What are two ways I could start using this strength more intentionally tomorrow? To help you get started, read the action items for each theme in your report.

More Ways to Name, Claim and Aim Your Strengths
  • Share your CliftonStrengths Top 5 report with five people you are close to.

    Ask them to tell you specifically how they see you use your top five strengths. Ask them the following questions and write down what they say:

    • What was your initial reaction to my report?
    • Which theme or themes do you see the most in me? Can you give me an example?
    • What do you see as my greatest strengths?
    • Does anything on my report surprise you?
  • Share your CliftonStrengths Top 5 report with your coworkers.

    Tell them you want to discuss how you could work better with them using your strengths to strengthen your partnership. Set up individual meetings with your colleagues to discuss your report.

  • Consider your strengths as you prepare your to-do list for the week.

    For each task, think about how you can best use your strengths to accomplish it.

  • Take a few moments each day to consider how your understanding of your strengths could help you appreciate others’ strengths.

    Choose one person in your life, and send them a brief note mentioning how you have witnessed their strengths in action.