Sachiko Nishioka (西岡幸子)
Coaching Expertise: Career, Education, Managers, Parenting, Personal Development, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Students/Youth, Teams, Wellbeing, Women, Leadership, Manufacturing, Enterprise Business, Non-Profit Organizations, Technology
Coaching Availability: Is accepting new clients
Coaching Method: In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Seminars & Retreats, Workshops, Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), Keynote Speaker
Coaching Language: English (USA), 日本語
上位資質・My Top5 Themes :
コミュニケーション/社交性 / 個別化 / 達成欲 / 責任感
Communication / Woo / Individualization / Achiever / Responsibility
My Motto
We're not here to be average. We're here to be Awesome!
私は個々の強みを最大限に引き出すクリフトンストレングスの強み理論に、P&Gでの経験や起業経験を融合し、皆さんの課題やゴールに向けたワークショップ・コーチングを提供しています。セッション後も変化を実感いただけるような効果的なコンテンツが私の強みです。 クリフトンストレングスを通して皆さんの強みの可能性を引き出し、共に成長していけることを楽しみにしています。お会いできるのを心よりお待ちしています。
Thanks for visiting my profile page. I had 19 years experiences in P&G as an Engineering group leader. I also had a lot of experiences to work with diverse nationalites and now, half-day team building package is available. I'm very passionate to identify individual's strengths to deliver bigger outcomes in your team. Looking forward to working with you.