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Jobs, Dreams for the "Unemployable": What Strengths Can Do

Jobs, Dreams for the "Unemployable": What Strengths Can Do

Webcast Details

  • Gallup Called to Coach Webcast Series
  • Season 1, Episode 3
  • Learn how CliftonStrengths coaching is helping "unemployable" ex-inmates to find purpose, meet goals and fulfill dreams -- even land a good job.

On a recent Called to Coach, we spoke with guest coach Debby Kratky, the director of capacity building and training for Workforce Solutions in Tarrant County, Texas.

Devoting herself to helping others achieve their dreams, Debby uses the CliftonStrengths assessment to find employment for ex-inmates who are considered by many to be "unemployable."

Here are some highlights and insights from Debby Kratky's Called to Coach:

People who have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time find it difficult to fill out an application, let alone land an interview. By understanding the language of strengths, they can describe themselves in new ways with fresh insight.

Debby doesn't do this alone. She has given her staff the opportunity to discover and embrace their own strengths, making it easier for them to mentor and coach the individuals they work with.

Success Stories

An individual who spent over 32 years in prison was thought by many to be unemployable. Using his strengths, he accepted who he was, made clear goals, and went out to accomplish those goals. Debby's staff successfully helped him find his first job since incarceration.

A New Orleans man named Lonnie served a long prison sentence. Although he was willing to take any job, his dream job was to become a tugboat captain on the Mississippi River. Debby advised him to focus on his dreams, and she helped him use his Top 5 strengths to realize his potential. Lonnie is now a proud tugboat captain in New Orleans.

Help Others Achieve Their Dreams

Debby believes that each person has their own dream job, and one person's ideal job is not necessarily the same for anyone else. As coaches, it's important to refrain from instilling our passions onto someone else. It's key to act as a strengths guide, helping others find and accomplish their dreams.

For more insights and information from Debby, watch the full video above.

Debby Kratky's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Input, Strategic, Ideation, Maximizer and Connectedness.

Learn more about using CliftonStrengths to help yourself and others succeed:

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