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Good Jobs

Explore Gallup's research.

Understand American parents' thoughts on the postsecondary pathways they aspire to for their children – rather than only those they feel are within reach – as well as the barriers they face to these aspirations. Download the report.

The 2020 Great Jobs Report provides insight on how COVID-19 affected the quality of U.S. jobs and exacerbated existing job inequities.

Learn how Gallup's research findings and CliftonStrengths can help you develop in your career and reach your career development goals.

29% of adults, or about 1.5 billion people worldwide, reported working full time for an employer in 2018.

Millennial job hopping doesn't have to be the new normal, but leaders need to make them want to stay.

Measuring and improving employee engagement will be the foundation for reaching the new aims established by the Business Roundtable.

Nothing works in an organization without great managers, says Gallup Chairman Jim Clifton, coauthor of the newly released book It's the Manager.

It's the Manager gives CHROs and CEOs step-by-step instructions on how to create a culture of development within their organization. Gallup has learned that development is the most important part of a job for millennials, Gen Z and the workforce of the future. It's the Manager helps managers get the training and tools they need to become successful managers.

CHROs and CEOs must think about the right way to develop managers to create a culture of development for their employees. It's the Manager provides leaders with training, strengths-based development and the tools needed to train better managers.

To be a better manager you first must stop acting like a boss and start thinking like a coach. Learn to become the kind of manager who focuses on developing the people in today's workforce.

To attract and hire top talent companies need to not only create a workplace tailored to today's workforce, but train and develop managers that will deliver on the company's brand promise from the job interview, to onboarding, to development and through the exit interview.

It's the Manager equips your managers with 52 of Gallup's greatest discoveries from decades of research into the science of management.

"It's the Manager" gives human resource leaders access to Gallup's platform where managers can do surveys, developmental reviews, check the strengths and engagement of their employees and further their manager development and training.

Companies can turn ideas into customers by focusing less on cultivating innovations and more on developing builders.

Leaders of large companies, you can fix U.S. GDP growth and productivity by changing your culture to one that maximizes employee potential.

Learn how to develop a culture where your employees believe in company values and perform better as a result.

Leaders and managers, learn how to create shared ownership of employee engagement and performance.

71% of millennials are either not engaged or actively disengaged at work

51% of employees are actively looking for a new job or watching for new job openings.

Learn how your company can prepare for the disruption of artificial intelligence and the five characteristics your culture needs to succeed.