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Deliberative®: How to Feel More Energized at Work
Called to Coach

Deliberative®: How to Feel More Energized at Work

Webcast Details

  • What do people with Deliberative bring to their roles and workplaces?
  • How can you bring energy and motivation to work as you apply your Deliberative talent?
  • How can managers with Deliberative create more of an energized, thriving culture on their teams?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.


Productive employees want energy, motivation and drive to characterize their work life. Managers want their teams to possess these in abundance. And organizations envision an entire engaged, thriving workforce that overflows with these qualities. How can individuals high in Deliberative® bring energy and motivation to their workplaces? And how can managers high in Deliberative foster a work environment that is energized, motivated and thriving? Join Gallup's Jim Collison and Dr. Jaclynn Robinson and discover how, using your Deliberative theme, you can bring new energy and motivation to your role, your managing, your coaching.


[Find] opportunities individually, or even on a team, to take the lead on weighing the risks involved or the benefits to pursuing a particular path.

Jaclynn Robinson, 5:44

When conducting those one-on-one meetings ... you could use this strength to listen actively and ask those thoughtful questions about their background, their interests, their goals, so you're ... understanding more about the human behind the work.

Jaclynn Robinson, 9:03

Jim Collison 0:00
I am Jim Collison, and this is The CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 3, recorded on January 12, 2024.

Jim Collison 0:23
In this CliftonStrengths Podcast series, we'll look at how to feel more energized and motivated at work one theme at a time, and today's theme is Deliberative. If you're listening live, love to have you join us in chat. If you're listening after the fact, or you have questions, you can always send us an email: Dr. Jaclynn Robinson is our host today. She works as a Senior Learning and Development Consultant and has joined me for Season 1 and 2 of The CliftonStrengths Podcast, where we looked at the Wellbeing at Work for Season 1 and our CliftonStrengths role-based reports -- all three of them -- one theme at a time. And Jaclynn, always great to be with you. And welcome back!

Jaclynn Robinson 0:56
Likewise! Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Jim Collison 0:59
We are talking this season about bringing energy to work in themes. And it's amazing how when you feel better, you bring more energy, right? I think both of us are, right?

Jaclynn Robinson 1:09
We're fired up!

Deliberative: Questions for Individuals

Jim Collison 1:10
There's something to that, right? Something to that. If you're, if you're a longtime listener of our programs, you'll, you'll get that. But let's move on -- talking, today, we're talking about the theme of Deliberative. Let's talk about it from an individual perspective first. What are some ways an individual with Deliberative can feel more energized by focusing on their basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 1:29
I think when considering priorities and responsibilities, considering the risks and rewards of taking things on. So what are the priorities and responsibilities that give you energy? You know, what are those priorities and responsibilities that drain you, but maybe you've held on to them longer than you need to? Is your manager aware of what's giving you energy and what's draining you? So really, it's starting to think about what are the, what are the risks to my engagement and wellbeing, if I don't really look at what I have happening on my plate? And then what are the benefits of, you know, maybe having conversations with my manager so that I can streamline what I have? And I'm offloading those things that drain me and I'm, you know, keeping those things that give me energy. So it's more or less analyzing your day-to-day. And that could be one way of looking at it is the risk/reward of, of what you have

Jim Collison 2:20
As high Activator, which, I think, both of us are, live in that space, you said something I'd never thought of before. And that's someone with high Deliberative getting stuck in the Deliberative process -- maybe it taking too long. I don't know how that, I don't even know how that works. I don't know how you get stuck on something for too long. Right. But thinking about that from a Deliberative perspective, talk a little bit more, when we think about, How -- well, one, Do we need to move on? I mean, sometimes it requires long periods of time or lots of thinking or lots of intentionality. It's not always just thinking. I, sometimes I think intentionality -- like, when is the right time to do this as well? Like, when, in the fullness of time, waiting for that moment to be right before we move. Talk a little bit more -- if we get stuck, What does that mean, when we think about basic needs? And what are some ways we can get off of that?

Jaclynn Robinson 3:20
With, given someone has Deliberative high? Yeah. I go back to the gut check. You probably have that, that feeling where work either maybe feels like drudgery or you feel swamped or you feel anxious. And when you get stuck in that feeling, then that's a good time to say, What do I have on my plate? Because the risk/reward benefits here aren't very balanced. I've taken on too much for whatever reason, and you might have some other themes surrounding it, where you've, you know, kept some of these things close to heart. Maybe you want to be dependable and reliable, so you've kept a project, thinking, well, I don't necessarily like it, but the reward is that, you know, I'm maintaining this relationship. Whatever it might be, I think it's, it's, it's helpful to do the gut check and then to get yourself unstuck is to say, Let me weigh risks and rewards. Is it, you know, I want to focus more on my wellbeing and engagement? That's the reward. The risk is, of course, maybe having that tough conversation with my manager. But it would be worth it to free myself and have more of that sense of engagement.

Jim Collison 4:29
Yeah, I can't even imagine a world where that gets stuck for me. Because it's, and it's not like I do it; I just eject the idea out, out of the ethos. You're like, Ah, we're never gonna come back to it. So it doesn't matter.

Jaclynn Robinson 4:42
You know, when I kind of think of it, if we think about even like a sales role, that might be a really easy way too. Sales, you might be aiming towards money or bonus. And it could be, you know, that, that just a bonus you could get, but it's not a "have to have." So maybe you're, you're weighing the risk/reward there. Is it better to trade time and have more freedom, where you're not just constantly overworked and working the clock? Is it better to trade time for money? So you're gonna let the bonus go, because your wellbeing is more important. Sales, it's just kind of easy to think about it from that perspective. But yeah.

Jim Collison 5:23
Yeah, love that. Ralph's kind of doing this in chat: I think your other themes around it may give you some clues to think about How do you get unstuck with that? What gets you unstuck? What are, what are, what are some other ways, as we think about an individual with Deliberative, they can feel more energized by focusing on their individual strengths and development?

Jaclynn Robinson 5:43
I think finding opportunities individually, or even on a team, to take the lead on weighing the risks involved or the benefits to pursuing a particular path. I think that enables them to feel more energized. And it might be, as an example, Hey, what challenges might be encountered, and what's going to be our contingency plan that we could put in place if we're going to move forward with this particular project? Because then, that proactive stance is helping increase productivity before you even hit those obstacles, because you've got that person that's almost serving as an anchor, to help you think through that process ahead of time.

Jim Collison 6:19
Sharpening that axe before we take it to the tree, right. I love that example. Maybe overused, in some regards, but it is, you know, getting, getting prepared; spending some extra time lining things up. Jaclynn, it's always amazing to me, again, as a high Activator, when I do stop and take the time to prepare all the pieces, how much more enjoyable the task is for me. And so it's, I've actually tried to lean in a little bit Maximizer, of saying, like, How can I do this task better by slowing down and thinking more about the process and having all the tools ready before I go? Just more enjoyable, that -- for me, anyways, for me that way. So maybe just, for those high in Deliberative, leaning into those times, as well as maybe thinking about their own development. How can I use this Deliberative talent theme to prep myself to then do action? Right, get myself ready, and then, and then get moving? So what are some other ways an individual with Deliberative can feel more energized by building partnerships, finding purpose within their role?

Jaclynn Robinson 7:27
I think if they, you know, promote deep engagement and discussion through question-asking, or through discussions that require a lot of just collaboration or risk analysis or problem solving, not only would that provide them with energy, but they, they really could become that grounding force to the team, where they're working in tandem to say, How do we want to get through this together in light of the goal at hand or in light of our mission or purpose?

Deliberative: Questions for Managers

Jim Collison 7:57
Yeah, I love that. Let's spend some time talking about the manager. And, and I think this is an area, right, I think sometimes we, we reward managers who are tip-of-the-spear, high Influencing, always moving forward. But I think there's a lot of value, and so, as we think about a manager with high Deliberative, How can, how can a manager with it support others and their basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 8:20
Developing a plan with the team to mitigate any potential risks that might occur during a project or an initiative outside of those day-to-day responsibilities, and then considering how they're going to address those challenges that could arise in the implementation process. So from an engagement perspective, getting the voice of the team is helping their opinions count, and they're working together to mitigate those risks.

Jim Collison 8:44
Speaking of the team, we've been asking this question this season: How can a manager with high Deliberative help others feel seen, heard and valued as an individual? I'm interested in what you've got to say about this, because I think this is important.

Jaclynn Robinson 8:59
Yeah. I went towards the one-on-one conversations for this one. So when conducting those one-on-one meetings with, you know, your, your respective team members, you could use this strength to listen actively and ask those thoughtful questions about their background, their interests, their goals, so you're taking a more deliberate stance or measure and understanding more about the human behind the work. And then you could always infuse that into your future conversations.

Jim Collison 9:30
In the area of trust, as we think about Deliberative and, as a manager, using it from team for trust, Where does that fit in, do you think? How can Deliberative be used in a way on a team to continue to foster trust?

Jaclynn Robinson 9:46
They create an environment, honestly, where team members feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarity. And they can do that in relationship to quality standards and processes. And so, when they create that freedom, because the manager themselves with Deliberative is going to be thoughtful in their approach in asking questions, they kind of create safety and trust in the room for others to do so. And so what I think about here is, Hey, how can, you know, when they're consistently emphasizing the planning process or risk assessment, or let's do some data-driven decision-making here, they're inspiring the team to collaborate with the manager or collaborate with one another to prioritize quality and production in every aspect of their work. So their themes alone kind of open up that psychological safety for trust to happen.

Jim Collison 10:35
Yeah, I think sometimes we don't think of Deliberative as an inspiration or an inspirational theme, right? But, but they all can be. And it can, this can be as well. You alluded to it a little bit more, but as we think about inspiring, like, I get inspired when someone, when I've presented a problem or I'm working with someone, and they come to me and say, Hey, I've been thinking about, I've been spending some time -- key word there: "spending some time" -- means something to me. It's valuable, because I don't spend any time thinking about anything. So that's, that's cachet that I wouldn't have before. And it it's so inspiring to me. I get so inspired when I'm, when I hear somebody who has been thinking about me, or been deliberating, being deliberative about some things they've been doing, especially in the work -- and not just maybe about me, but in the work that we're doing. Right? How important do you think it is that manager to, with that theme, to then be able to talk about that to the team, so that they know that their, that time is spent, which I think equals valued, right? Is that, any thoughts on that?

Jaclynn Robinson 11:53
I love what you just said: "Time is spent, which is valued." It's -- time is valuable, just as much as money is valuable. We always say, "Time is money." In this case, time is just as valuable. It's, feel free to take the time, you know, maybe necessary within the confines of, you know, the deadline, to really think this through and use me as a support system. And I'm here and I'm open and available to help you walk through that process. I think it does alleviate some of the stress or anxiety someone might feel, to go, Ooh, I don't know if I should go talk to that person because, you know, they want me to act now. But to have that opportunity to kind of take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture, I think, is very fruitful for team members that have a manager with this theme.

Jim Collison 12:41
Yeah, yeah. Love that. Last question. Yeah, exactly. No, well, yeah. In, in the sense that we're, we're purposefully, we're going into this on purpose, right? As we think about that team and team collaboration and building community, Hey, let's together go in on this on purpose. And to me, I get super excited about that. But I need to be told that, like, from, from a manager, from my manager, I need to be -- because it's, I need a reminder. Like, I need, Hey, I've been thinking about this. I've been, you know, I've been deliberating on this, to use that, to use that word. So, last question: How can a manager with Deliberative support the growth of each team member then?

Jaclynn Robinson 13:25
In developmental conversations, asking employees to reflect on their performance and then come prepared with their own insights and questions. So going back to giving some breathing room for folks, you know, giving it, giving their team members the space to really reflect, put some insights or questions together, and then come into that meeting feeling prepared. And then once in the meeting, the manager with Deliberative can offer more of that balanced perspective by discussing both the strengths of the individual and those areas for improvement. I would say, as opportunities for action, once they start to really work through the, the career development plan and what's working and what isn't, maybe encouraging the team member to come up with their own contingency plans, in case anything or any challenges arise on their, you know, developmental journey in the future. Could be a key takeaway for that person, for that employee.

Jim Collison 14:19
I picture the manager superimposing a little bit of their own Deliberative on, in an area of saying, Hey, you take some time -- you don't have to do this all the time, but I want you to take some time. Take some dedicated time. Break out, cut out, don't do -- this is the hardest for me. I sit down to do things like this, and then I'm doing about five other things at the same time. You know, we, we're in the middle of doing some estate planning, and of course, I have a whole bunch of docs and a will and these things to go through. And I, even though I know it's a great idea, I have the hardest time just sitting down, going through and, and really working through the docs. I need to, I maybe need to get some help in that area to carve out some time to be intentional about that. Wrap this theme up for us, Jaclynn. Final thoughts, as we think about Deliberative?

Jaclynn Robinson 15:08
You know, I'm gonna go back to the 4 Needs of Followers: trust, stability, hope and compassion. I think this theme can offer a level of, you know, predictability and breathing room and support that creates trust and psychological safety to ask questions, to take some time and do your homework. And they create stability as well, because it, there is that level of predictability that, hey, this person is going to come in prepared. This person is going to take a thoughtful approach. This person's done their risk analysis. And so it's helpful for anyone they're leading, and if you're a team member, it's helpful as a team member to know that, you know, you're kind of the crutch. You can be the crutch for individuals that are seeking that level of stability, and they need that support system to help them with due diligence. So that is, that's my final say, by Jove.

Jim Collison 16:07
I'm just gonna stand here and stare at you.

Jaclynn Robinson 16:09
Can you tell I'm really quirky? It's a Friday!

Jim Collison 16:11
I'm just gonna stare at you until we get it done. Well, with that, we'll remind everyone to take full advantage of all the resources we do have available in Gallup Access. Head out to You can also go to There's a Search bar up there. If you put the theme name in, everything we've done is listed there. It's a quick way, quick, quick reference, if you want to get to just the themes, and you kind of want to get to the podcasts that we've done. That's a little hack, a little productivity hack for you -- just search the theme. It'll say, "Arranger theme" -- or "Deliberative theme," in this case. Choose that, and everything we've done is there for you as well. For coaching, mastery coaching or if you want to become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, we can help you with that. Send us an email: Join us for the 2024 Gallup at Work Summit, which, as we record this, is 5 or 6 months away, but hopefully you'll be able to join us. Get all the details: And if it's after the date, I bet we have another one planned for you as well. Stay up to date with all the future webcasts by joining our Facebook or LinkedIn groups. You can find us on any -- on any social platform, there we go, by searching "CliftonStrengths." If you enjoyed it, hit those Like and Subscribe buttons. We'd love you to do it -- they say, the kids say, "Smash those buttons." And thanks for listening today. If you found it helpful, share it. If you're listening live, stay around for a little bit of midshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Jaclynn Robinson's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Achiever, Strategic, Maximizer, Positivity and Relator.

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