All Leaders
Hear from leaders who succeed using their greatest strengths. Discover your next inspiration.

DeMoine Adams CEO, TeamMates Mentoring
- Futuristic
- Significance
- Individualization
- Relator
- Strategic

Mike Allen Co-founder, Axios
- Individualization
- Relator
- Activator
- Positivity
- Self-Assurance

Paul Allen Founder, and
- Learner
- Input
- Ideation
- Intellection
- Strategic

Omar Sultan Al Olama Artificial Intelligence Minister, UAE
- Achiever
- Analytical
- Input
- Learner
- Intellection

Justin M. Bibb Mayor of Cleveland
- Activator
- Arranger
- Maximizer
- Responsibility
- Self-Assurance

Arthur C. Brooks #1 NYT Bestselling Author, Harvard Professor and Happiness Expert
- Futuristic
- Ideation
- Strategic
- Woo
- Input

Vint Cerf Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
- Futuristic
- Input
- Communication
- Strategic
- Analytical

Chanda Chacón President & CEO, Children's Nebraska
- Achiever
- Arranger
- Communication
- Positivity
- Woo

Deepak Chopra, M.D. Founder, The Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global
- Strategic
- Connectedness
- Maximizer
- Adaptability
- Futuristic

Jeremy Fewtrell Commissioner, Fire and Rescue NSW
- Learner
- Arranger
- Responsibility
- Achiever
- Connectedness

Gordon Gee President, West Virginia University
- Intellection
- Learner
- Achiever
- Arranger
- Woo

Robert Golob Prime Minister of Slovenia
- Maximizer
- Strategic
- Achiever
- Learner
- Activator

Arianna Huffington Founder and CEO, Thrive GlobalFounder, The Huffington Post
- Connectedness
- Strategic
- Learner
- Achiever
- Intellection

Robert E. Johnson, Ph.D. President, Western New England University
- Futuristic
- Connectedness
- Maximizer
- Ideation
- Achiever

Janina Kugel Non-Executive Director and Senior Advisor
- Strategic
- Input
- Communication
- Arranger
- Relator

Kevin Lobo Chair and CEO, Stryker
- Individualization
- Learner
- Achiever
- Activator
- Positivity

James B. Milliken Chancellor, The University of Texas System
- Intellection
- Input
- Strategic
- Learner
- Context

Shauna Olney Former Chief of the Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch, International Labour Organization
- Achiever
- Input
- Learner
- Developer
- Relator

Dr. Tom Osborne Hall of Fame Football Coach, Congressman, Founder of TeamMates Mentoring
- Belief
- Achiever
- Self-Assurance
- Relator
- Responsibility

Andre M. Perry Director of the Center for Community Uplift Senior Fellow, Brookings Metro
- Ideation
- Strategic
- Arranger
- Futuristic
- Analytical

Donde Plowman Chancellor, University of Tennessee
- Strategic
- Achiever
- Positivity
- Futuristic
- Maximizer

Marie Royce Former Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State
- Achiever
- Maximizer
- Self-Assurance
- Arranger
- Strategic

Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders CEO-FEEEDS, former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria & Republic of Congo
- Learner
- Strategic
- Arranger
- Individualization
- Achiever

Ellyn Shook Chief Leadership & Human Resources Officer, Accenture
- Activator
- Ideation
- Futuristic
- Self-Assurance
- Input

Timothy Shriver, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board, Special Olympics
- Includer
- Strategic
- Self-Assurance
- Significance
- Activator

Simon Sinek Founder of The Optimist Company
- Ideation
- Futuristic
- Strategic
- Communication
- Restorative

Roy Spence Co-Founder & Chairman, GSD&M
- Strategic
- Arranger
- Maximizer
- Relator
- Responsibility

Kendra Tucker CEO, Truckstop
- Communication
- Competition
- Achiever
- Significance
- Command

David Tudehope CEO, Macquarie Technology Group
- Achiever
- Competition
- Individualization
- Context
- Deliberative

Reggie Van Lee Partner and Chief Transformation Officer, Carlyle
- Positivity
- Activator
- Achiever
- Input
- Woo
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