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CliftonStrengths Influencing Domain Wrap: Teams and Managers

CliftonStrengths Influencing Domain Wrap: Teams and Managers

Webcast Details

  • Gallup Theme Thursday Webcast Series
  • Season 6, Influencing Domain Wrap
  • In this wrap of the Influencing Domain themes, learn how your team can own its talents and become stronger, improving its performance, organic growth and wellbeing.
  • Interested in learning more on this topic? Read more about how to improve teamwork in the workplace.

We summarize and wrap the 8 talent themes in the Influencing Domain, and discover how this domain relates to your manager and your team in this Season 6 episode of Theme Thursday. When we improve teams through owning our CliftonStrengths, we improve performance. When we improve performance, that's how we get to the kind of organic growth that allows us to have stronger economies, a stronger world and better wellbeing. And great managers hold the key: As they move from boss to coach, they help team members understand who they are already and hold them accountable for being even better, maximizing the team's engagement and impact. You might even be a manager in ways you never thought of! So join Jim Collison and Maika Leibbrandt for Season 6, as we focus on teams and managers -- including a new talent-mindfulness challenge at the end of each webcast. Strong themes, stronger teams.

Below is a full transcript of the conversation, including time stamps. Full audio and video are posted above.

What should I look for in a job/career?

Jim Collison 0:00

I am Jim Collison, and live from our home studios around the world, this is Gallup's Theme Thursday, Season 6, recorded on April 23, 2020.

Jim Collison 0:20

Theme Thursday is a Gallup webcast series that dives deep into the CliftonStrengths themes, one theme at a time -- this season based on developing teams and managers with CliftonStrengths. And today is the Influencing Domain Wrap. If you're listening live, we'd love to have you join us in our chat room. There's actually a link to the chat room right above me -- right up there. Just click on that link and it'll take it to the YouTube page that has a chat room in it. It's either to the right or down below the video. Click on the three dots and pop it out. I'd love to have you in the chat room. If you have questions after the fact, you can send us an email: Don't forget to subscribe if you're on YouTube. It's right -- Maika, show them where to subscribe on YouTube -- just down below there is available for it. Yeah, there you go, and hit the notification bell as well. If you like the video, hit the "Like" as well; that helps us with discoverability. Maika Leibbrandt is our host today. She's a Senior Workplace Consultant here at Gallup, and Maika, always great to have you on Theme Thursday. Welcome to our wrap party!

Maika Leibbrandt 1:11

Thanks. Happy to be here. We get to talk about my dominant domain of Influencing.

Jim Collison 1:16

Yeah. And -- I said the wrap party; this isn't wrapping the season. We're only halfway through. But we're wrapping the Influencing Domain.

Maika Leibbrandt 1:22

It's like a midseason wrap.

Jim Collison 1:24

There you go. Yeah, let's talk. Let's talk a little bit about it.

Maika Leibbrandt 1:26

Like a brunch-level wrap. So, as you mentioned, Jim, Theme Thursday, Season 6 focuses on the power of strengths within a team. So today's our mid-season summary episode, where we get to talk about what we've done going through our Influencing themes. You know, there are 4 Domains that originally came about when we studied leadership. We started with Executing and really did a deep dive into all of the, of the themes within the Executing Domain, and then over the past 7 themes, we looked at Influencing. So today's a chance to review where we've been and offer insights on what we've discovered and summarize what we know to be true and consistent about that Influencing Domain of CliftonStrengths themes.

Jim Collison 2:06

When we wrapped the Executing theme or the Executing Domain, I said that these -- looking at these themes in the context of the domains has been really, really helpful to me; to look at them all together, all at the same time. So if you're joining us for the very first time, that's really the -- I think the best way to consume the these, these webcasts, these podcasts this season is do them all together. But Maika, when we think about those themes that are part of the Influencing Domain, what are they? What do we know about them?

Maika Leibbrandt 2:35

Sure. So the domains themselves, and if you're, if you're new to Theme Thursday, in previous seasons, in Season 1, we kind of just were talking about how to learn and love every single theme, and the order was more based on what we could talk about at the time. Season 2, we went alphabetically by all 34 themes. Season 3 is the only other time that we've gone domain by domain. And that's because Season 3, we really were also talking about strengths-based leadership, which is -- leadership is where these themes were sort of born from, if you think about what was the original research question that led to this understanding of 34 themes classified into 4 different buckets.

Maika Leibbrandt 3:15

So those buckets, or the domains, are meant to answer the question, How does somebody lead? For Influencing, it's by helping their teams reach a broader audience than they could have on their own. Now, consider the implications of this on an individual or a team level. How do we expand that understanding beyond just answering a leadership question and understand what is the "say"? Or how can we use these domains as shorthand to really uncover what's true and consistent and powerful about individuals or collaboration within teams? Really, the Influencing theme Domain is about accomplishing excellence through other people. It's accentuating and accelerating the ideas of others; building upon what someone else starts, or maybe even just what somebody considers, and turning that into something more effective, more attractive or more meaningful than they would have on their own.

Jim Collison 4:14

Within these themes, where do they fit in the context of the family of themes?

Maika Leibbrandt 4:19

So I think one way to simplify Influencing is to think about promoting or advocating. But it goes beyond that. It's about affecting the emotion and the action of other people in a way that inspires them to see or think or do differently than if the Influencer was not there. It's, I think, important to explore how an Influencing theme will do that. In fact, anytime you're coaching or even just having a really great strengths-based conversation with somebody, stack the deck with "How" questions to understand their most natural patterns of behavior. And when we do that, and we look into all of the themes within this domain, you'll notice that they have a slightly different natural approach. That's why throughout this season, we've been diving into every theme with that idea of not just labeling it and finishing the sentence as "Oh, they're an Influencer," but really wanted to say, How do they influence? How do they affect other people?

Maika Leibbrandt 5:13

So within the Influencing Domain you have -- I'm gonna try and do this in alphabetical order -- Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance and Woo, and they all influence a little bit differently. If you compare and contrast them, the difference between Activator and Maximizer, for example, Activator says "Let's get going!" Maximizer says, "Let's keep going, but let's make it better!" Self-Assurance offers certainty. Command offers direction. Communication offers context, a storyboard or a broader understanding. And looking at maybe Woo and Significance, Woo craves and creates connection, while Significance craves feedback and creates lasting impressions.

Maika Leibbrandt 6:00

So just a little bit of a taste of what we've been working on throughout this domain. They all influence; they just do it sort of in different ways. And I think people often wonder about how prevalent some of these themes are, and how often they should expect to see one specific theme or another. And that's really interesting. Usually people will ask, "Hey, what's the most common theme?" Or "How common are my themes?" is maybe what we're, what we're also wondering. And while that is interesting, and I am going to give you some information on it here, please do a gut check anytime you're doing this, that you're not just feeding your trivia curiosity and ending the conversation there.

Maika Leibbrandt 6:37

So be more interested I think in the globe than you are in the functionality of it -- doesn't work. So you always want to say OK, this is interesting, and how is that going to make my team or my partners even better? But Jim, let's see if you can do this. When we look at Top 5, and how often, a theme shows up in an individual's Top 5, with more than 21 million people having completed CliftonStrengths, which Influencing theme would you say is the most common? Before you answer, I'm gonna ask this to the chat. So we'll give you 5 seconds to type your answer into the chat. When we look at people's Top 5 around the globe, which Influencing theme do you think is the most common?

Jim Collison 7:19

Should? Should we also say the least common? Give them a chance to do that? And then just kind of say, I think it's, it's maybe different than you think. But I'm thinking maybe Maximizer? Is that the most common?

Maika Leibbrandt 7:31

Nice! It is a tie! It is Communication and Maximizer. Both Communication and Maximizer, 13% of our global population of CliftonStrengths completes have either Communication or Maximizer in their Top 5. What about the least?

Maika Leibbrandt 7:48

Followed closely -- let's say also, like, 12% is Woo. So Woo is right there too.

Jim Collison 7:53

That's a -- it's actually more powerful than that. I'm just going to say. But the, when we think about the least common, then -- and it's interesting, we've actually talked about the one that I think when we talk about, it's Self-Assurance, right is the least on that one? And then I think Command is in there somewhere as well. Right? Those are, maybe overall, the least?

Maika Leibbrandt 8:13

This is interesting. Self-Assurance is the least common of the Influencing themes. It's also the rarest theme to show up in somebody's Top 5 globally. But if you look at our global database, Command and Significance are second and third rarest, including all the themes. So maybe that has something to do with why all the Influencing themes as a whole -- if you were to compare those 4 Domains -- Influencing does show up the least frequently. They -- they have all of the sort of Bottom 5 when it looks at frequency there, or the most rare, I think is, is a nice way to put it. In fact, when we rank-order by frequency, all these themes, again, as they show up in people's Top 5, the soonest that you will see an Influencing theme -- if you look at our -- if the globe of people who've completed this was one person, the soonest you'll see any Influencing theme is ranked at No. 18. And that's Communication, followed immediately by Maximizer.

Jim Collison 9:07

So like, OK, so that's trivia, we just did that ourselves, right? Kind of just went through this this -- what does it really mean? Like, and especially in the context of teams and managers, how do we take this information and make it effective?

Maika Leibbrandt 9:19

Well, I think it's a good reminder that we shouldn't be seduced by the myth of well-roundedness being valuable. There's a bold statement for the day, right? It's very likely when you look at your team grid or the DNA of your team that you're going to see fewer Influencing themes than other domains. It also means you should pay extra-special attention to how you can honor and leverage the talents of your team members who do lead with Influencing. You do that by understanding that a person is more than one word. And that Influencing describes more than just one set of talent themes. So I think let's dive maybe into other ways that you can understand Influencing, knowing that the people on your team are going to be the best advocates for their own talent. They're going to give you clues constantly if you just listen hard enough of how to make the most of them.

Maika Leibbrandt 10:10

But I think Influencing is a couple things. First, it is an awareness of an external audience. Or you can even call that an "others focus." If you look specifically at Significance, it's aware of what others find valuable. Self-Assurance is aware of what others can contribute. Influencing is also motivation to inspire. You've got Activator and Command and Woo that all carry this sort of inspiration quality to them. Activator inspires confidence in taking the first step. It's the "Let's get going," even without knowing the end. Command inspires direction and inspires focus. It's the kid on the playground that other people turn to when they think, OK, what should I do next? Woo inspires comfort, inspires social connection. It's that ability to say, Exhale and be here and be seen and valued for it. I think the third thing you can, you can say Influencing certainly is, is creativity through other people. Maximizer and Competition describe this. Maximizer sees and, and sees excellence and raises the expectations of others to also see that excellence. Competition notices the performance of others and cheers them on or joins them there in the arena.

Jim Collison 11:29

Maika, you mentioned, it's more important to focus on the functionality of a team in front of you. So how might a manager as we, again, because this season, we're really focusing on the managers. How might a manager focus on a team that shows a lot of Influencing themes, talents among the team?

Maika Leibbrandt 11:45

Jim, I think we get this question a lot when people have a real desire to use strengths with their team. And if that desire overshadows the problem you're going to attach it to, or a bigger goal that you're facing every day outside of the product of CliftonStrengths, it doesn't have a meaningful sustainability to it. So anytime you look at a team's talent profile, you ideally want to do it with a problem or a question in mind, something that you can aim or attach that desire to. And it needs to be more than just, Hey, what are they like?

Maika Leibbrandt 12:21

So if you're the manager, you'll best probably come to this question through your own talent filter. Mine, for example, I have Strategic No. 1. So I find I think best when I work backwards. If I were leading a team, I might say, Gosh, what would my dream team do together? What would they accomplish? What would be true and consistent about this team if everything that I was doing or even trying to do really came through? And then I'd work backwards in order to fill in the gap and identify almost a research question of Why am I looking at the at the team grid or at the, the team profile here? Let's say in that, I identify some gaps. And one of those gaps might be, for example, collaboration. Many managers that I coach tell me they struggle to help their team really rely on each other, and that they feel one of their jobs is to create those collaborative moments, especially in a remote environment.

Maika Leibbrandt 13:18

So if your team wants to be more collaborative, and they're dominant in Influencing talent, chances are they're really great at creating opportunities for others. But with that frequent Influencing theme, they are uniquely positioned more than other teams to act as connectors between the distant parts of your organization. And that can mean people are working remotely or it could mean teams are working in isolation, and they really need to break down some silos. So you might do a couple things: You might first consider the roles or the teams that are outside your team that you rely on in order to deliver great results. Maybe you confirm at least one champion within your team who can reach out to those others and build trust, build partnership, intentionally create some of those bridges of rapport.

Maika Leibbrandt 14:05

Maybe you identify, even as a manager, what your team does well that other people might need to know about -- again, that idea of helping them reach a broader audience or activate on sort of a positive understanding outside of their own selves of what they can offer. So maybe that means that you're leading a short lunchtime program or a Zoom call or a webinar on what a specialty of your team is, and how you can offer it to people. It's also, I think, all roads lead back to having better conversations. So ask your team members for their ideas. Specifically with a team of Influencers, you might ask them, Hey, how can we improve collaboration and why does that matter in the first place? It's pretty likely you've got people on your team who already have opinions and can't wait to share them.

Jim Collison 14:49

Ah -- remember when we used to get to -- get together for lunch physically? Remember those days?

Maika Leibbrandt 14:54

Remember lunch?

Jim Collison 14:57

Remember those days when it wasn't just a pop up to the kitchen and microwave something? This is a question I'm not a huge fan of, but we -- I think we have to address it because people are gonna ask it right? So what if the team is low in Influencing? Like, what is that? And I think sometimes we lead with that; I'm just not a huge fan of leading -- that should kind of be the very last thing you talk about in a lot of ways. But Maika, how do we answer that?

Maika Leibbrandt 15:18

Well, I, you know, it's it's probably not that they're low in Influencing as much as the Influencing themes are rare within that team.

Jim Collison 15:26

Good way to say it, by the way, that's a great way to say it.

Maika Leibbrandt 15:29

But it may also be that they have Influencing themes at the bottom of their profile. That would mean we're low in Influencing, right? I think, first of all, it's important to identify what might the implications be of that? So instead of saying, is this bad? Let's say, let's use a good coaching question that isn't "Yes" or "No," and say, When could this get in our way? And how likely is that to happen? And what would that look like? When you really consider the the DNA of a team, it's, I think, most practical and fastest and most helpful to really look at what is dominant, what is not low or rare. So rather than saying, you know, you don't have this, acknowledge there actually might be people or individual representatives on that team who are strong in Influencing. They're, they might be the minority. But it doesn't mean the team is weak; it means it's rare.

Maika Leibbrandt 16:22

And again, it depends on what you want to accomplish. It also depends on the makeup of the team. A group of people who rely on each other for success is very different than a group of contributors who rely independently on their manager, or I think a group of contributors who simply on paper roll up to the same person. So before you make the assumption that this team needs to be completely strengths-based and has the capability to rely on each other differently, you really need to know a couple things. What is the interdependence of this team, day to day? What do we hope to learn or improve or solve with strengths, as we talked before? What will our team -- or when will our team have another chance to practice what they're learning through this conversation?

Maika Leibbrandt 17:05

And maybe think about front-loading that; getting real strategic about offering up an opportunity for them to put some of these discoveries into practice? And sometimes it's, it's actually just about how can they work and partner better together? Or how can you, as a manager, work and partner better with them? In which case, you might have really great functional conversations about shifting what excellence looks like or shifting how often you meet. And it's OK if if all of this makes sense, or if only nuggets of this make sense. Because really, the idea of, of opening with curiosity about what's there and what's going well, and what's missing, and how could that get in our way -- that, that really is, I think, the strongest play that you can make.

Maika Leibbrandt 17:48

All of that preamble to say, What are some things that we know might be true about -- let's use that same idea of collaboration just to illustrate this. If your team has rarer Influencing themes, and you want improve collaboration, honor those individuals who do lead with Influencing by asking their opinion on why it's important and how we can lean into them. You might even ask a question like, How do your best partners make the most of your Influencing talent? Or when do you feel like we're missing something that you're noticing that we're not? Also think about -- it's always, the answer is always just lean on what they do have. But here's a couple practical ways to do it. Build repeatable habits that encourage team members to get to know each other beyond the professional sense. So maybe that's regular shared meals or quarterly events or challenges that lean into whatever talents they do have and spark that kind of desire. But the collaboration is just part of the functionality.

Maika Leibbrandt 18:48

Also pay attention to individuals' potential for having one or two solid alliances within the team. Maybe they lead with Relationship Building themes, maybe they lead with Strategic themes, where they're thinking about even just the pragmatic and practical benefit of leaning on each other a little bit more purposefully. Offer opportunities for people to rely on, on more than one peer, or maybe even think about expanding the number of people that they rely on outside of their team. So it's not coming at that collaboration problem through the same lens that you would if your team is full of Influencers, which is more about, I'm already networking. Just give me the place to go! It's instead saying, OK, we need that networking, those connections, that collaboration and that trust, really to be the goal. Let's get there in the way that they most naturally behave.

Jim Collison 19:36

Maika, you've changed my way of thinking about this, because, again, sometimes we, we even on our own thinking we do some deficit thinking, and in this case, to be able to say these talents are more rare in the -- and, and extra valuable from that sense. And it would, it would pertain to any domain across it, any of the themes in it as we think about that combination of it, not unique to Influencing. There was some great information in there. Where do you find all this?

Maika Leibbrandt 20:02

Well, I wrote 256 of them. Honestly, this is just a drop in the bucket when you look at the information and advice and understanding that's available in a partnership with Gallup. Specifically, a lot of these personalized management nudges are found in Gallup Access, which is our portal into the world of everything Gallup knows, discovers and continues to learn. Managers who, who use Gallup Access get individualized suggestions just like this, every single time that they log on or open it up from their mobile device. And the system actually gets smarter the more you use it, so it's a little bit like having a coach in your pocket or on your screen, who takes into account what the problems are that you're facing, what your engagement scores are, what the makeup of your team is, and then can distill all of that into what we know tends to work.

Jim Collison 20:53

If you want to see a demo of that: will get you there. If you have questions on it, send us an email: We asked for some feedback from the community, Maika, during, like, what did you learn during this? What did we hear? Who got back to us?

Maika Leibbrandt 21:07

Yeah. So we've got some great feedback here. And by the way, keep those coming at any time -- all -- you don't have to wait for a quarter-season Wrap Party to share feedback. It's always important for us to be learning what's making sense for you, what's working, what are you sharing and finding super helpful? What could we do to continue to improve? But there's a couple things that sounds like they're really standing out to our listeners and our participants in the in the chat every week. Ralph says the 5 questions around those Truths of Strong Teams are really helpful, especially the one about how talent themes show up in one's life as opposed to their work. Another nod to those 5 Truths of Strong Teams came from Steve. He says, I think my favorite question is the first one around conflict and focusing on results within each theme.

Maika Leibbrandt 21:50

If you don't know what we're talking about, every single theme within a domain we unpack, based on a construct of the 5 Truths of Strong Teams, which also comes from our Strengths Based Leadership book. So it's that they 1) Focus on results, not conflict. (That's what Steve's talking about there.) 2) That they focus on, do what's best for the organization and then move on; that 3) Strong teams have an equal importance on personal lives and work lives; 4) That they embrace diversity; and 5) That they're magnets for talent. So as you listen back to our first domains of Season 6, you'll notice those 5 Truths of Strong Teams come up.

Maika Leibbrandt 22:26

I also think those help us with what we mentioned before on not just wanting to look at, What are they like? Or what's the makeup of my team? Those can help start your exploration of Hey, what's my problem I'm trying to solve? Helen is also a newly Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, and has been diving into Season 6. She says, As part of my isolation routine, I'm reading It's the Manager. And I plan to keep up with Theme Thursday along the way. And Stephen had a lot to say; I appreciated everything he shared. One specific thing he said, It's much more clear to me now how to use these themes as a lens to see how engaged we are in life, why we feel fatigue, if we're not using our natural way of being most often,

Jim Collison 23:09

Yeah, no, some great feedback on the -- on this part of the season. And of course, we would expect some of that to hear from a bunch of them when we hit, when we hit that idea of Influence, and, and they get out there and tell us. So we appreciate those folks that did that as well. Maika, as we think about the next domain. Give us a little preview -- what's coming up here in a couple weeks?

Maika Leibbrandt 23:34

So we're gonna, the next domain is Relationship Building. So we're halfway through; we'll have Relationship Building followed by the Strategic Thinking themes. The Relationship Building themes and the Influencing themes, honestly, as I was learning it, I would cross-pollinate those a lot in my own brain. But the Relationship Building themes really describe people who get things done by grabbing the hands of others. So it's different from Influencing because it's less about taking a message to a broader audience and more about focusing on that messenger and the connection you have directly with them. So specifically, those themes are Adaptability, Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity and Relator. Those themes are beautiful and brilliant and so different from each other. Like I look at the power of those Relationship Building themes and I'm just thrilled that we're exploring every theme with that "How" question in mind, because to say, "Oh, they're just a relationship person, or they're just a people person" is very different if you consider a theme like Adaptability versus a theme like Relator. And we'll get to explore what's, what's brilliant and true and really different about each of those Relationship Building themes.

Jim Collison 24:47

It's -- for me, I have 4 of these Influencing themes and my Top 10; I have 4 of the Relationship Building themes in my Top 10. Pretty excited. What's that for you? Where does that, where does that land for you in your Top 10?

Maika Leibbrandt 25:00

So I, let's see, in my Top 10, I have Adaptability, Positivity and Developer and Connectedness, so 4. Yeah, I guess I have 4 in my Top 10.

Jim Collison 25:11

Yeah. So very, very similar. And I always like to -- you know, I always like to think Influencers get things done through groups of people, and Relationship Building people get stuff done through the individuals. And so it's fun to kind of think through -- now we'll, we'll kind of dive in a little bit at the macro and talk about those, talk about those themes and how they work in the lives of people. And I'm excited about that because I -- I'm a secret I'm like a closet Relationship Builder. And you know, the Woo comes out so strong sometimes, but, but my Individualization gets super strong when we start thinking about how to get things done individually with people, and so I'm excited for this coming up. Maika, final thoughts as we kind of put the final -- we kind of tie up here the Influencing Domain.

Maika Leibbrandt 25:56

Yeah, so I guess I've -- Influencing has always been the hardest for me to describe. So Jim, I love what you just said about it's, it's doing work through groups of people. I think that might be -- I talked for 32 minutes, and that might have been all I needed to say. Why didn't you start?

Jim Collison 26:13

Well, you taught me that -- that's, I got that from everything you said.

Maika Leibbrandt 26:17

It's, it's beautiful. It's also maybe the most highly caricaturized of all the all the domains. I think you get the most just sort of extreme understanding of those Influencing themes, for two reasons: They're rare. So you probably don't know or love as many people who lead with really great Influencing or self-awareness around their Influencing themes. Two, they're -- I would say they're really extroverted. And sometimes that can mean that you get this inflated or cartooned understanding of what the themes are. And I think we've done a really great job -- Jim, you've done a really great job of helping me even understand, What does this mean in a business sense? What's the practical application of this? How might a manager make the most of somebody who leads with these Influencing themes? So I'm, I'm proud of the work that we've done here.

Jim Collison 27:11

Good. Well, and I, one of the things that's been -- a conversation going on the chat room; we're going to talk about it in the postshow. Oftentimes this domain gets, I think, mischaracterized as overwhelming. We -- that's a word I heard a lot, and any of these themes and domains can be overwhelming in its own context. So we'll talk a little bit about that, I think, in the postshow coming up again. Really the best part of joining us is joining us live. You can put your questions in there and stay around for the, the mid- pre-, mid- and postshows that are available there.

Jim Collison 27:40

A couple reminders, one, you mentioned it, but if you want to head out and all the resources we have available for you now through Gallup Access. The easiest way to get to it: That's a different one than I mentioned before you can go to /access but if you go to /cliftonstrengths, take you right to your Strengths Dashboard when you log in. So -- plus all our webcasts are there. So I'm a little partial to that landing page as well. And you can get access to our CliftonStrengths Community Newsletter at the very bottom of any of those pages. You can sign up, we'll send you a monthly newsletter, keep --that way you can keep up to date with all the things that are going on here in the community. If you are on YouTube, just search "CliftonStrengths" or "Gallup Webcasts"; you'll see our two channels -- our live channel, our edited channel, so subscribe while you are there. If you're wanting to listen to us as a podcast, go to any podcast player and just put in "Gallup Webcasts"; that'll -- you'll find the 7 or 8 that we're doing at any given time. And so if you want to get that done as well, all the cool kids are doing it, maybe while you're out walking the dog for the 19th time today, just to get out of the house. It's available for you in podcast form as well. I mentioned questions; you can send those to us: If you want to follow us on Eventbrite: You'll get a notification every time we schedule one of these, so you can be out way ahead of it. I schedule a couple months in advance, so that way you can be way ahead of it, block it out on your calendar. Maika and I are both super excited to be able to close this -- this year's Gallup at Work Summit; the 2020 version will be completely virtual and available in a pretty affordable price right now. So if you head out to, you can now see the Agenda has been posted, everything that's going on has been posted. No reason to wait, except you might want to wait till tomorrow -- Abbie's coming on. She is our Event Coordinator for that, and she'll be given some additional details on Called to Coach. So you can sign up today if you want. If you want to wait till tomorrow, that'd be OK too. You can join us for that Called to Coach. But we would love to have you join us for that. Maika and I get to get to close that up. That's gonna be pretty cool, right?

Maika Leibbrandt 29:35

I'm so excited. We could do it twice. Because we get to have like our Wrap Party. Basically, it's a Summit Wrap Party. So if you like this, it's even cooler!

Jim Collison 29:45

Hey, in Europe, we know it's late for you, but just -- it's one time! It's one Tuesday during the year. You're in quarantine. Just stay with us. Don't go -- Europe, party with us in the evening! Just you shift your stuff to the evening and stay up late. Asia, we're going to do some things early for you; stay, stay close for all those details. We have a lot of that stuff still coming up. If you want to join us in the Facebook group, it's On LinkedIn, search "CliftonStrengths Trained Coaches." And when you find that group, just ask to be invited in, and I will let you in as well. I want to thank you for joining us for this. If you're brand new, and it's the first time you've heard this, we have tons more content, just like this, just for you, available on our site. Again, head to and it's all right there. If you're listening live, stay around for the postshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

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